When everything seems to be going wrong the question we get
asked a lot is “How are you doing?”
How we answer sets the stage for what we
will receive. Do you complain and gripe
about your problems or do you choose to answer with honesty and conclude with
what is going right? I have found most
have never thought of the later concept and if they have thought of it have
found it difficult to implement since it is a new habit. I have some simple steps to help you;
Week 1
Journal about what you are feeling – get it all
out on paper
Start a list of what is going great in your life
– every day add to the list
Set 30 minutes in your day to reflect on your
feelings and adding to your gratitude list.
As you do this every day for seven days you will notice your
thoughts around your life are gravitating toward your gratitude list. "The sky becomes brighter"
Week 2
Write about how you will respond when someone
asks you how you are doing
Visualize what your body language is and tone of
voice is like when you answer their question
Continue with steps 1-3 from Week 1
Practicing through writing and visualization is the key to releasing
the old griping response and bring in the new gratitude response.
Our feelings and emotions are energy we have the choice to
give great energy or bad energy to others with our words. Yes, complaining and griping to others gives
them bad energy. Being honest about how
you feel is important but often we go into the sewer with our honest
feelings. Remember we want to focus more
on what is going right and less on what is not.
The steps above will help your mind think more about the great things
and less about the not so great.
“That which we focus on, we receive more of” by David Essel – to put it simply
Focus on
griping and complaining you get more to gripe and complain about
Focus on
gratitude you get more things to be grateful for
The choice is yours. You are the captain of your ship, what
do you choose? No choice only keeps you
stuck in what you have been receiving.
For those who are really wanting to transform the spoken
words they speak; place a microphone on you for a few days, it will transform
your life.
If you want to continue on your self-discovery path and
desire positive support call me or email me to discuss what programs Shift and
Wake Up has available to meet your transformation and budget.
Lynne Pietrzyk