Monday, December 2, 2013

Relationships Happiness vs. Anger

Relationships Happiness vs. Anger
How to get off the rollercoaster ride of life

Life Shift Message by Miriam Lynne Pietrzyk

Do you dream of having happiness in your life, but one or more of your relationships are having highs and lows like a rollercoaster? Maybe one day things are great, but the next they are not?

Unfortunately most individuals believe it is “normal” to get stuck on the emotional rollercoaster of life. While all relationships do go through ups and downs, the extremes of those ups and downs do not have to be so extreme. You can have more of a flow of happiness in your relationships.

Understanding what these ups and downs are teaching you and how to level the ride can help you develop your “internal foundation.” It is in this internal foundation that your happiness thrives.

 “Happiness is possible, and it is yours if you truly want to have it.”

First you need to understand what happiness looks like to you. Here are a few steps to begin. Get out your journal and a pen and answer these questions:

1.       When in your life have you felt happiness? Describe it in as much detail as possible

2.       From this, what would you conclude makes you happy? What do you like to do?

3.       What one action can you apply to your day to bring you happiness?

Most individuals have lived in the belief that happiness is found in their relationships, career, and even wealth. But when these things do not go as the individual would like, this belief causes the rollercoaster to go into a downward spiral, causing scattered thoughts, emotional outbreaks, rage, and even depression.

It is important to know when you experience the spinning, it is only teaching you what is needed  -- not that you are broken and damaged. This spinning is your internal foundation asking you to level your life and claim your happiness.

True happiness starts with you claiming what you want and standing up for it. When you do, you will feel a sense of peace. This peace will allow you to begin to fill your cup of happiness. When your cup is full, you will have extra to give. When you have extra to give, it will flow into your relationships and bring you a feeling of true relationship happiness.

Filling your cup is an act of self-love. Here is how to bring more self-love into your life:

1.       Do one thing every day for you – it could be simply taking time to enjoy nature or meditating.

2.       Join a group of others who are creating happiness in their lives. The SWFL People Shine Project is one example.

3.       Receive an energy healing – Reiki is a great way to restore your energy.

Do you want to know more about Reiki or the People Shine Project Groups? Contact me via email at or schedule your energy healing.

I also recommend applying the action of setting your Transformational Intention. Here is how to write your Transformational Intention.

1. Think about your intention.

Transformational Intention example: “My belief about Happiness is I am expanding my awareness and learning new ways to focus with positive awareness about happiness in my life.”

 Conflicting Intention example: “I believe I am Happy.”

This is a conflicting intention, because if a part of us does not believe it, we go into conflict with getting out of our box. This will cause stress, because it is forcing happiness. But the transformational intention allows for your expansion and growth without it being forced.

2. Write your Transformational Intention on notecards and place them in several places you see often in your day.

3. Read your Transformational Intention at least 3 times a day. I recommend the morning time while getting ready, then lunch and bedtime. Making this one of the first and last things you read every day will assist you in getting outside the box of limitations.

If you want to know more about how to advance or would like to talk privately, please feel free to contact me to learn about group and private coaching programs. Send me an email at for more information.

Need help making sure you have a Transformational Intention? Take advantage of a
Free Coaching Email Chat. Send an email to with the Subject line: Help Tran Intention.

Here are some common statements I hear from individuals: “She is always angry at me, I think she hates me.” Or “He never wants to spend time with me.” Or “He is always yelling.”  


Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Get Unstuck In Life

 LIFE SHIFT by Miriam Lynne Pietrzyk

 Why Would You Want to?

We have all heard the phrase, “Step Outside The Box.” Usually we hear this in the middle of feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and, instead of helping us, the phrase tends to cause us to want to close the lid of the box and tape it shut! Unfortunately, this tendency is ego-driven and keeps us from living a life in “Divine Richness.” 

Why consider getting out of the box? Because outside of the box is where Life Shifts happen and you experience the Richness of Life.

What is Divine Richness? It is where we thrive and feel filled with bliss, joy, love, happiness, laughter, compassion, truth, and abundance in all that is needed both spiritually and materially.

What keeps us from Divine Richness?  Limited thoughts of what we know. Everything we know is our limit inside the box – everything we don't know is outside the box. Outside the Box is where expansion and growth happens. Divine Richness is a thriving life, expanding and growing as we explore our life.


Open Your Box and Allow Your Awareness to be Activated

It is important to know where we are setting up limits – or putting the tape on our box and closing the lid, so to speak. Take time to make a list of some of your thoughts and beliefs that are limiting you – consider these to be your “Tape.”

One area we can look at to help with this exercise is self-talk. Do the exercises below to get started.

Coaching Exercise

1.      Write down what you tell others you are not good at. 

If you have a hard time answering this question, ask a good friend or family member what you say you are not good at.


2.      Next, write down what limiting thought and belief you want to transform.

We all have limiting beliefs, so no one is better off or worse off than another. The most important part of opening your box is being truthful with yourself. This is not an exercise in blaming the adults in your life – that just keeps us in the box going in circles.


"Your experiences in life with career, relationships, health, money and spirituality have been infected by this limiting belief. It is time to clear the infection and live in the Richness of Life."

When we open the box, the light comes in and gives us a new view. This first phase can be challenging in the beginning, because you might not truly believe the old thought and belief can be transformed. This is because the old has not completely left and the new is not completely in place. This is where we are being stretched to see and understand more than we have before.

  “Think of life as a big science experiment -- explore what is outside your knowing.” 


Coaching Exercise 

Here are a few tips to help you during this first phase of opening your box and transforming your limiting thoughts and beliefs.

1.      Write out your thoughts and beliefs.

2.      Circle what tape has been holding your box shut?

3.      What is the opposite statement of the belief you wrote?

4.      What do you want to believe?

5.      Write your Transformational Intention

Transformational Intention example:

“My belief about Happiness is I am expanding my awareness and learning new ways to focus with positive awareness about happiness in my life.”
           Conflicting Intention example:

“I believe I am Happy.” This is a conflicting intention, because if a part of us does not believe it, we go into conflict with getting out of our box. This will cause stress, because it is forcing happiness. But the transformational intention allows for your expansion and growth without it being forced.

6.      Write your Transformational Intention on notecards and place them in several places you see often in your day.

7.      Read your Transformational Intention at least 3 times a day. I recommend the morning time while getting ready, lunch and bed time. Making this one of the first and last things you read every day will assist you in getting outside the box of limitations.

This is the first phase of opening your box. I will be sharing more phases in the following weeks. If you want to know more about how to advance or would like to talk privately, please feel free to contact me to learn about the group and private programs offered. Send me an email at for more information.


Need help making sure you have a Transformational Intention – take advantage of a Free Coaching Email Chat. Send an email to with the Subject line: Help Tran Intention.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gratitude and Oneness

November is a month of abundance from all that the year has brought us through our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions.  Taking time to look at what you have in your life (relationships, health, wealth, spirituality, and career) will give you a clue of where your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions have been throughout the year.  November gives us a chance to reflect and prepare our path for the new year to come. 

"It is a time that awakens fresh revelations about our purpose and life development".
Facts from Wikipedia
November (i/nˈvɛmbər/ noh-VEM-bər) is the eleventh month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of four months with the length of 30 days. November was the ninth month of the ancient Roman calendar. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar. November is a month of spring in the Southern Hemisphere and autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, November in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of May in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.
November starts on the same day of the week as February in common years and March every year. November ends on the same day of the week as August every year. November starts on the same day of the week as June of the previous year in common years and September and December of the previous year in leap years. November ends on the same day of the week as March and June of the previous year in common years and September of the previous year in leap years.

Month-long observances

  • Native American Heritage Month
  • Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
  • COPD Awareness month[2]
  • National Novel Writing Month
  • National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo)
  • Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
  • American Diabetes Month
  • Lung Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
  • Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Awareness Month
  • National Pomegranate Month in the United States[3]
  • Holy Souls in Purgatory (Roman Catholic Church)
  • International Drum Month
  • National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month (United States)
  • National Prematurity Awareness Month (United States)
  • Epilepsy Awareness Month
  • Sweet Potato Awareness Month[4]
  • No Shave November
  • Movember
  • National Adoption Awareness Month (United States)
  • National Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month

November Affirmations

 I send love to another in my life
I am grateful for my relationships as they continue to allow me to shine my light
I forgive all those in my life including myself
I set my relations free to experience life
I smile at my neighbor and say “Good Morning”
I walk through my neighborhood seeing with eyes of beauty and judgment is removed
I prepare my meals with love and gratitude for the abundance of all the year as brought to me
I eat foods in the season I walk
I sit in nature with humility and honor for the unconditional love and protection it brings to me
I walk my days in my truth of who I am
The foundation of my internal knowing is solid and firm
New pathways are illuminated for me to see
I choose what is best for me and in doing so it is right for others in my life
The energy of Compassion fills my heart and radiates from my being
I understand my responsibility to direct my energy as I create my days and the beautiful month of November
I say yes to the flow of November and give great thanks and gratitude to my life

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Internal Love and the Best of Times

The Best of Times by Sheryl Crow - watch this video


This is a great video/song.  Lyrics - "It's the Best of Times, It's the Worst of Times, You might not change Your World but I am Changing Mine" 
 I like this because what this says to me is even though others might not be ready to make a change in their life it is ultimately your choice to claim what you want in your life.  Standing up and claiming it can be scary at first and the first step seems to be like stepping off the side of a mountain but as you practice with gentle steps instead of harshness you will find it to become easier and easier. 
The reason it is so scary at first is due to our need of “external” acceptance and love.  When we are filled with our own internal love then we are not starving and begging others to give us love (energetically speaking). 
Learning how to fill yourself with love is a new concept and many are not sure how to do it, admitting you don’t know is the first step of filling yourself with love.  I have to say if you are reading this blog then you are ready, your Soul and Spirit are asking you to connect to them through love.  
 There are many books, classes and exercises to help you on your path of Internal Love I would suggest starting with one and fully incorporate the teachings into your life.  If you want to know more feel free to email me at 

“When we claim something that is good for all of humanity even if it starts with us first it will be delivered and it will uplift the world.  If you don’t seem to see your deliver I encourage you to look to see how you can bring it higher in alignment with love”.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Learning to Live

Well this just says it like it is....When we remember we have the power to remove those things we don't like by learning from them, instead of being the victim of those things, we can live a life of true freedom.   What are you learning?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Medicine Wheel Journey - The Serpent ~ Divine Transformational Healer

Come travel the medicine wheel on an 8-10 month journey into the center of yourself. Learn about how to work with the energies contained within the sacred stone circle of the medicine wheel.
What is the Medicine Wheel?
The Medicine Wheel can help bring your body, mind and spirit back into a state of harmony and balance, reconnecting you to parts of your SELF that you may have forgotten, re-establishing the knowledge of your interconnection to all that is. Using the process of life itself, people, animals, the earth and all our relationships we rediscover who and what we truly are.
Want to learn about the medicine wheel, but don't feel like you have an addiction? No worries. We all have areas where we may be "stuck" or in a holding or repeating pattern in our lives.

Addiction Alchemy and the Recovery Medicine Wheel doesn't directly approach addiction, but rather acknowledges the process of addiction within all of our lives, focusing on the remembrance of all the parts of the self to restore wholeness. We believe that all recovery is a recovery of the true self... and it is from this place that true healing and growth occur.

Become the tracker in your own life, learn how to read spiritual messages that are all around you, tap into the power of animal guides and archetypes, learn about sacred ceremony and much more.

The Divine Serpent of Transformational Healing

May 4, 2013
3:00 pm
1939 Park Meadows Drive Suite 1
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Contact; Mir Lynne Pietrzyk at 239-253-2884
Cost; $75.00 per gathering every 6-8weeks for 5 gatherings


Divine Protection, the highest of protection, nothing can touch us that is lower than the Angels and Ascended Masters of the God Light

The Divine Mother the healer of all healers

Super Power of Healing

The Discipline of Life is imperative

The support and bond to each other is critical for this power to be here on the earth

You have been asked to do this work and you have the ability to change the lower energies into compassion, grace and love by simply looking at it with these energies in your heart, silence is power yet you will speak with discipline and focus and will always uplift with love those who hear your words.

All that has happened in the past is reviewed, pluck out the Divine Healing that the experience taught you bringing forth only the aspects of God which is the Power of the Divine Healer

We are never again infected by lower energies.  But isn’t it all for our learning?  Yes, but that phase is complete your power is too great to be wasted on little stuff said my Guides.

It is time to see you in the image of God.


I live today with the wisdom of the Divine Transformational Healer

My movements are smooth

All that I experience is smooth and gentle

I see the many choices in all experiences of life

I can quickly make a choice for the highest good for all

I speak through my body language

The power of my Eternal Healer radiates the colors of the rainbow

My quest is to teach others to heal through my ability to heal myself

I consciously choose the devotion of the Divine Transformational Healer

Eternal life is mine to claim

What do you choose eternity or not

I shed away all that no longer serves me

My pure desire is invoked in me

I taste life fully by loving myself

I drink the poison to forever be protected and healed

Trust is in every molecule of air I breathe

I walk into all worlds and give eternal healing

I live my days at 120% by maintaining 100% of my energy

I give and receive with my cup run over

I see the serpent and I am forever healed

I am all aspects of God

I know my soul’s voice

Symbols – Star of Life & Mose's Staff with the Copper Snake

Crystals – Moldavite, Azeztulite, Gaia Stone, Danburite, Prasiolite, Serpantine, Copper

Colors – Copper, Red, White, Blue

Book – Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss