Inspire Me Circles, a motivational gathering designed to help inspire those who desire to shift their lives from stress and overwhelm to peace and success.
“Think of a candle party or a jewelry party, without the candles and jewelry. This gathering is all about the people and inspiring them to live the life they dream of,” Pietrzyk says.
The group is the first of its kind in Lee County, although similar concepts are making their way around other areas of the country.
“One of my clients in the Chicago suburbs told me she heard of a ‘What Not to Wear’ party, which is a gathering about how you look on the outside,” Pietrzyk said. “An inspire Me Circle is about how you feel on the inside.”
The idea is that you would gather eight to 10 of your closest friends for a girls evening in your home. Pietrzyk would guide the group through an inspirational book and provide tips and tools to help the group learn how to live life to its fullest.
So, who benefits?
• Anyone who desires the relationships in their life to be peaceful
• Anyone who is dealing with a struggle in their life
• Anyone who wants to learn how to reach their goals without feeling stress
• Anyone who desires their work to be fulfilling
Inspire Me Circles meet once a week for four weeks. Each gathering takes about two hours. The cost per person is $35 for the entire four-week session. For more information or to schedule your Inspire Me Circle, Contact Mir Lynne Pietrzyk at 239-253-2884 or
Inspire Me Workshop Lunches are coming in September become a follower of my blog so you can get the information ASAP