Thursday, May 8, 2014

When Life is Out of Control - What Can You Do?

Out of Control Thoughts create a Life Out of Control
What is a common thought in your mind?  Money, Career, or Relationships....these can be stormy or clear skies but it first starts with your thoughts and beliefs in your mind.  Create what you want by clearing out the junk.

  • Do you think about the struggles in your relationships verses the times of happiness?
  • Do you believe you will never make enough money to live comfortably?
  • Do you repeat to others I will never get the promotion because ____ is better at the job than me?

These are only a few thoughts people think on a regular basis which causes them to experience these events in their lives over and over again.

How to clear this type of thinking at first seems to be overwhelming which is why most people never get out of the repeating cycle of junk.  If one realizes overwhelm is just a test on commitment they begin to get a leg up on the negative thoughts in their mind.  

Here are a few tips on what one can implement in their daily life;
  1. Take a time out – sit quietly, put on soothing music or listen to the birds sing outside, write your thoughts on paper, meditate or pray
  2. Read a positive book -  one that uplifts and motivates you, A Course In Miracles, The Bible, or any book that brings positive thoughts to your mind.
  3. Eat healthy foods – Foods that are alive and balanced in proper nutrients
  4. Exercise – walking, biking, or joining a group fitness program
  5. Create something – a new healthy recipe, a favorite art project, or plant a garden
  6. Proper Rest  - if you are tired rest for 20 minutes, make sure to get a good night sleep

I suggest making this list a daily habit by writing them in a daily log journal and checking them off as you do them throughout your day.  Remember this, some days you will check off all 6 and others you won’t and that is Ok.  Don’t Beat Yourself UP!!! The beating ourselves up for not doing things perfectly is what truly starts the negative thougth and keeps one from their great potential. 


"The next day make a point to do the ones you could not do the day before.  Trust there will be days that you do them all and this will become more frequent as you focus on these 6 points".
Here are a several groups you might consider joining to gain momentum:

Healthy Habit Lifestyle Facebook Group -  Let us know you want to join and we will send you an invite in the meantime checkout the group.

Healthy Habit Lifestyle Seminar – 2nd Monday of the Month at 5:30 pm Fort Myers FL
Checkout the website calendar for more details -

Body Shift – In home workout programs with support and motivation through online group, watch this video to find out how these powerful groups are shifting body sizes and motivating individuals to make healthy choices.
                New Groups starting -  June 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th

Meditation – Learn how to clear the mind and implement simple techniques for daily practice, Every Thursday at 7 pm

                Checkout the website calendar for more details -

#Relationships #Career #Money #Success #ClearMind #PositiveThinking 

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