Friday, December 3, 2010

Let Your Heart Speak

The heart is in direct communication with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes. Your heart opens another heart, and true loved is possible. By Don Miguel Ruiz

How to speak from you heart starts with a plan; Why? Because we have only spoke from our sabotaging emotions, also known as the head, for most of our life.

Here are a few steps to start speaking from your heart;

■Journal about your feelings/emotions; blame, guilt, anger, not good enough feelings are usual feelings which come up.

■List your Gratitude around the situation

■Make a decision on what you want the situation to be; example open heart connection or closed heart

■Set your Intention for what you want; how will you make a difference in your life to make your intention happen

■Make your Action Plan; start with small steps and lead up to big ones but most important make sure you can do what you say are going to do. Sabotaging emotions set in when we set our action plan step to high and then we fall backwards.

“As we focus on opening our heart it can only open the hearts of everyone around us”

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When will life be back to normal?

This is a question I hear from clients in my Life Coaching firm. The question I ask is, “What is normal”? After they ponder their thoughts many say “I am not sure” and then I ask “When is it good to go backwards in life”? The wishing life was BACK to NORMAL is a paralyzing thought which keeps us stuck in the past and worried about the future. It turns off our creativity and stops us from living our purpose in life.

Let’s face it, we have all been faced with challenges we don’t want to go back to and our idea of a normal life is not defined, plus are we really here to live a Normal Life? I don’t believe so; I see the greatness in all.   Take the time to answer these questions and start your journey to a New Exciting Life on Purpose...

What have you dreamed of doing in life?

What does your soul long for?

It is Time to Live Life on Purpose

Some naysayers will say “You can’t” making it sound as if you are all alone doing it by yourself. I say you can if you focus on touching one person with the greatest version of yourself. You are then in momentum, next set up a plan of action, journal through your sabotaging feelings, and apply positive action into your life.  If you are still struggling then call me I can give you some tips on how to overcome the resistances many face when making a difference in Life. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm hiding Relationship Problems, who should I talk to?

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is motivational, inspiring, positive, exciting and action driven. Life coaching helps you look at where you are now and where you’d like to be, and helps you build the bridge to close the gap. By raising awareness and encouraging you to take responsibility for your life, life coaching can help you rise to your own particular challenge and go further than you ever thought possible.

So, is this magic? Does the Life Coach just wave a magic wand and make everything wonderful? Sadly no, and it has to be said, that coaching involves a lot of action and commitment. However, if you are ready for change in your life, the benefits can be enormous, the testimonials.

Sounds good so far, but what if you’re unsure if your issues are suitable for coaching? The only way to be really sure is to have an informal chat with a life coach. However, have a look at the following statements and see if they apply to you. Shift and Wake Up, offers a 30 minute informal chat for those wanting to know more, please contact us to schedule an appointment.  Call today 239-253-2884 or email

• I've had a problem or challenge that's been around for a long time, but I've never managed to sort it out.

• I have a pressing issue to resolve but don't know where to start.
Things are OK for me but could be better.

• I seem to spend all of my life trying to catch up.

• My life seems to be all work and no play.

I think things would be great if only I had …..a new job, I could lose weight, I could sell my house…………etc.

• I would just like to run my ideas past someone who isn't going to pour cold water over them all the time.

• I feel isolated in my job but find it difficult to talk to colleagues in case they take it as a sign that I've failed.

I'm hiding relationship problems because I can't share them with family and friends, as this would feel disloyal to my partner.

• I'm in a rut and feel too drained to get out of it.

• I've lost direction.

If you've identified with one or more of these statements, then life coaching could make the difference you're looking for.

The Benefits of Having a Life Coach
You get to talk about your problems and challenges with someone who's not going to interrupt you, make judgments about you, criticize what you're saying, or offer opinions based on their own experience.

• If you're feeling negative and lacking in motivation, your coach will help you challenge limiting assumptions and beliefs you may be holding, about the situations you find yourself in, that are stopping you moving forward.

• Life coaching will give you the space and time to think through your challenges and options.

• You can use your life coach as a sounding board for all of your ideas, like your business plan, what to put in a presentation, how to have a successful interview, how to start a new hobby, your new fitness regime; the list is endless.

• If you've lost direction, your coach will help you to focus by setting you some highly effective exercises designed to help you identify what you'd like to have, be and do.

• If you've got a nagging doubt about what you're doing in your life or things just don't feel right, but you don't know why, it may be that your not sticking to your values, the things that are most important to you, like achievement, dom, success, caring for others, peace of mind etc. Your coach will help you discover your true values, and help you work on a plan for fulfilling them.

• Everything you say will be in total confidence.

Your coach will offer suggestions if it is appropriate and something you would welcome.

How Does Life Coaching Work?
Coaching can be face to face or on the telephone. You will meet/ring your coach at a pre-arranged time for weekly sessions, which can last between 30 and 60 minutes.

During that time, your coach will establish what area you are wanting to discuss, and encourage you, with a series of questions to set a goal. With guidance from your coach, you will explore various options open to you that might enable you to take a step nearer to your goal.

Life Coaching has helped many who have been suffering from infidelity, career transitions, loss of spiritual connection, and lack of confidence.

Call today 239-253-2884 or email
Join our Shift and Wake Up Fan Page on Facebook

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5 Ways to De-Stress while Driving

As the roads in my town start filling up with northern residents this article is a must read to all involved. Northern residents who are here to spend money are great asset to our economy. However their sharp turns when missing a road along with their slow driving in the left lane can cause many year round residents to stress out, so here are a few tips to think about while driving this season.

Practice Hand Yoga – It’s beneficial for all but especially pleasant for computer users or those with arthritis. While delayed in traffic, reach your arms over the top of the steering wheel, spreading and stretching your fingers. Hold a few seconds, then flex wrists. Repeat three times. Next, bend each finger individually, into a square and push gently against the fingernail area with the opposite hand’s thumb working to improve joint flexibility and blood flow.

Listen to stories – Remember how soothing it was when your parents read you a bedtime story? It works for adults, too. Keep a variety of audiobooks to enjoy in the car. But steer clear of deep-relaxation tapes you want to be calm, not asleep!

Improve your view- set up your car like you would your office, place some calming quotes on your dash board or your child’s art work. I enjoy a favorite saying “Be Like an Angel give random acts of Kindness” it is great to read when someone has cut me off.

Sooth the Soul – have a soothing cd or playlist easily accessible to turn on when you feel your blood starting to boil because of the cut offs, slow drivers, and the crazy zip through driving.

Drink Water- At every stop light know this is your chance to get caught up on your water intake. Most suffer from dehydration and not enough time in the day to get in the water, well here is your solution time slot.

If you are still not finding peace while driving, play my favorite game Sweet and Sour here is a link to a game that is sure to make you laugh. Laughter is the fastest way to relieve stress. LOL

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Life is not really Messed UP, so Why do I need a Life Coach?

Does your life have some or all of the following?
  • Cluttered Mind
  • Avoiding Family and Friends
  • Strained Relationships with Family or Friends
  • Not Talking to your Co-workers
  • It has been a long time since you have felt love from your spouse

With a Certified Master Life Coach you will learn how to Shift these areas and start living a Life on  Purpose and you will experience...
  • Clarity of thought
  • Connections with Family and Friends
  • Peaceful conversations with Co-workers
  • Feel Love with your Spouse daily

Watch this Video to learn more...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being a Mom, Wife, Business Owner... HELP!

As a Life Coach women frequently ask me how to have peace with all the roles in life.  Chaos sets in when we try to play multiple roles at once.  Like trying to write a blog and cook breakfast for the children.  Although women are great multi-tasker's and carry the torch saying it repeatedly sometimes it is the cause of our chaos.  I have found slowing down and focusing on one thing at a time brings peace to my life and ultimately my relationships.  I know this can be hard at times when so many things need to be done in a day but there is a solution; it is called asking for Help.  Asking for help is one of the best ways to include others and reduce the stress on you.  However many women have labeled asking for help means they are weak and so they never do.  The labels we set on our self and others cause life long blocks, stress, chaos, fear, fatigue, failed relationships, miscommunication and the list goes on.  If you believe asking for Help = Weak Women, try today to ask someone for help.  The only way to be released from the label or block is to face it head on and act upon it.  Being a Mom, Wife, and Business Owner I have had first hand experience of the stress that lingers when we don't ask for help.  In closing I would like to say thank you to all the Women in the World who believe in breaking down labels and Standing UP.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Whats that Gut Feeling ya got and what does it mean?

To experience and express the power of trust, there is no easy way out. There is always a better way! When your back is against the wall, do not be tempted to take the easy way out. Avoid taking the short cut. Never allow the pressure of the moment to force you to do something that is dishonest or dishonorable. Before you strike out in terror or anger, call for the strength, energy and presence of mind to do what is best for everyone involved including you. No matter what happens to you, you will be better off if you look for a better way of doing things. Trust that no matter what stands before you, you can handle it by taking the high road.

The high road is any action taken or any word spoken with the intention of restoring peace, invoking healing or advancing love. It can be difficult to keep your eye on the road when you feel like you are being dishonored or harmed in some way. Fear can also make you lose sight of the road—the fear of being abandoned, rejected or discovered. How you respond when you are faced with one of these fears is understandable. Unfortunately, in the universe, it may not be excusable.

When you are stressed, pressured or simply afraid, it is easy to be lured into being dishonest. If you are angry, it is understandable that you would want to strike out. In these situations, you may feel that a lie will save you and chances are you will consider telling the lie. There is always a better way. When the boundaries of what is good, honest, loving and harmonious are deliberately trespassed, there may be hell to pay. Look for the high road. Trust yourself enough to refuse to do anything that will not create or support peace, healing and love.

Exerpt from “Until Today” By Ivanla VanZant

Sweet and Sour Game

Recently I moved into a beautiful gated community in Estero, Florida called the Roockery. The community is quiet and small, but long if it is your first day back to running.

One of my intentions when I move into a community is to connect with those who call it home too. How I do this is by playing the Sweet and Sour Game.
To find out if someone is Sweet or Sour you wave at them as if you have seen an old friend for the first time in a very long time to every person you see.



 If they wave back they are Sweet if they don’t they are Sour. The look on their faces is hilarious but most important they start waving too as they see my little blue car pull around the corner. I am sure they are in wonder where do I know that lady but their soul smiles and they feel good. My intention set into action. Let’s face it we all like to have someone notice us by waving and smiling at us. Why because it feels better than the snubbing or the two finger point wave. So the next time you see someone put a little more into the wave and smile, you will feel good because you gave unconditionally.

Ps ~ refrain from expecting them to wave back, if they are Sour today they might be Sweet tomorrow is my belief. I have been waving to one lady in my community for 2 ½ months and she still has not waved to me, I just Laugh-Out-Loud and know she will soon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to have Peace with a Midlife Crisis

A Crisis in the Making

What is a midlife crisis? Is it real? If so, does it mean you have to make major life changes to get through it? Read my blog to learn the truth. You may be surprised!

Do we have a crisis because that is what everyone else has? Like getting the fancier car because the neighbor just got a new car. Do we label others with a crisis like the “midlife crisis?”

I have thought about this; gone through what could be labeled as a midlife crisis; coached clients who said they were going through a midlife crisis and read many articles about the signs of midlife crisis.

The term midlife crisis is a label, and it has no solution. I see it as a negative label with the message saying, “Just get over yourself” or “Just forget about it” or “Your life will be better when all the things around you – career, relationships, health and finances – get better.”

This is the first delusion. A crisis is not happening because of anyone or anything outside of you. The crisis is just YOU. So let’s get real and learn why we have crises. When we know the why, what and how, we can shift to healing what we have labeled a crisis.

How did the crisis come to be? I believe it started in the beginning of our life journeys. As a child, we are given the answers and told what to do and when to do it. As a teenager, we are expected to know what to do and how to do it. Then, comes the spreading of our wings – we are expected to know how to fly, but our teen years were not spent on Life Flying Lessons, so we spend a few years falling down and getting up again.

We go to college or dedicate ourselves to a career, and by our mid-twenties, we are feeling good about ourselves. By thirty, we have most likely found a life partner and even started a family. We feel a sense of relief – the spotlight is not shining on us. We have arrived, and our Ego says its time to sit back and go to sleep. “You have made it. You have done what all the elders have asked you to do. You have a career and a family. Now it’s time to take a break.”

Then we arrive in our late thirties or early forties, and start to wake up from the coma – the break our Ego told us to take – and we say, “What’s going on? I am alive, but I am not living. I want more out of life than this. It must be my career, my job or my relationship that did this to me.”

Then our mind races, dances and fills itself with thoughts of the Ego, “Life would be better if I was not in this relationship, career or job.” At this moment, we have a chance to own our responsibility and clean up our life. Often that means staying in the career, job or relationship while we clean up ourselves.

Why do we have crises? I believe we have them because we are not congruent in our life. To be congruent, our thoughts, words and actions need to be in line with one another. One of the ways we are incongruent is when we divert into someone else’s life by fixing and enabling them. When we divert onto someone else’s life journey, we are not present in our own life. Our soul goes into a coma, and we live in someone else’s life. Then one day we wake up and say, “What’s going on? What am I doing in life?” We blame the person whose life we diverted into, and Ego thoughts start developing, “He/she controlled me, made me do things I don’t want to do, and held me back from my dreams.” These are thoughts of the Ego with judgment and martyr written all over them. Then we say, “There has to be more out of life than what my life is right now.”

This brings me to the “what.” What is a crisis? A crisis is when we decide we want our life to be different than it has been. Having a crisis does not mean we should end a relationship, quit a job, change a career or move to a new town or state. We hear people say it all the time, “Oh, they got a divorce because he/she was going through a midlife crisis.” What really happened is that person woke up and said, “For the last 15 years I have done everything they have wanted, and I am not living the life I want.” As a result, they think they must leave the relationship, job or career to enjoy life. But, the truth is that leaving is not the action that will make the crisis go away. And, leaving without realizing our responsibility in the crisis will only create the pattern again in another relationship, job or career.

If you think you’re having a crisis, I will be happy to coach you through it. Call me at 239-253-2884 or email me at

Friday, September 10, 2010

Do You Desire Peaceful Relationships?

Do you wonder if you will ever find love in your life? Do you wonder why your friendships are filled with conflict? Do you see most of the people around you as unsupportive? Read this blog to learn how to turn the relationships in your life from chaos to peace.

Many of us experience difficult relationships – whether with a spouse, co-worker, family member or friend. It’s difficult to understand why these relationships are always filled with conflict. Usually, we look to blame the other party, but, the truth is, in order to heal these relationships and find love, it first starts with healing you.

Most people don’t know how to heal themselves or even what it means. Healing you is a process of steps over a course of time. Ah, time, the one thing we don’t have enough of. Now you’re thinking, “You want me to do something that will take more time?”

Would you believe me if I told you that spending a few hours a week working on you would actually triple the number of hours you had in a week? If you knew that, would you do it? The way I see it is, you don’t have much to lose, because you are flushing time down the drain with all the chaos, drama and conflict in your relationships as they are.

How to heal you starts with a list of what you want your life to be, how you want to feel, and how you want to interact with the world. Do you want a life of Peace or Stress? It is truly that simple, Peace or Stress?

Most choose Peace, but knowing it and acting on it are where we get stuck. We have not had training in school or college on how to create Peace in our life.

So, here is a tip.

Make a list of what you think Peace feels like.

List out what brings Peace to you.

Commit today to do one of them and start healing you.

You Deserve it!

Contact a Certified Master Life Coach to start working on your path of healing and stay on course. I offer a 15 minute complimentary Coaching Session, for those who desire their lives to be at Peace, call me today at 239-253-2884 or email me at to schedule your time.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is your Guardian Angel Guiding you?

Many people ask, “How do you know when your Guardian Angel is guiding you?” My reply is, “How do you not know?” Our Angels are guiding us all the time – unfortunately, we do not slow down enough to listen.

Some people have said their Angels must be dark or bad, because bad stuff always happens to them. This is just their way of not taking responsibility for their actions. Our Guardian Angels are not bad; they do not create bad things to happen to us – we do that all on our own. Angels, along with God, want us to live a life of peace and bliss. It is our Ego that keeps us from having that life – not our Angels and God.

We need to understand that communication with our Angels and God is not limited to our voice box. They also communicate through “experiences” – either in our life or in the lives of others around us. Our daily, weekly and yearly experiences are how they communicate with us. Many do not understand how the small experiences are messages.

Here are a few things to think about the next time this happens to you:

• Someone is repeatedly trying to give you important papers that you will need later, but you keep saying, “There is time. I will get them from you later.” Then you forget to get them, which causes you to run around stressed out trying to get the papers that you kept pushing away earlier. This example of not listening to your Angels is causing you stress.

• Someone tells you a story about their road trip and how they almost being snuffed out by a semi-truck. Later that day, a semi-truck almost snuffs you out, but because someone told you his or her story, you were aware and able to blow your horn in time. This is listening to your Angels, and it prevented you from getting into an accident.

• The best one is when you lock your keys in your vehicle. Many people beat themselves up over this, but actually, this is only your Angels stopping you from getting into a car accident. Just because we can’t push the fast forward button and see it with our own eyes does not mean it is not true.

All of our experiences are God-given, and our Angels are there to guide us through them with peace. We have become so out of touch with our Spirit, most of us have a hard time recognizing that experiences are God-given when they are difficult. The only reason experiences are difficult is that we are not seeing them with God’s eyes – we are using our Ego’s eyes.

Take the time to slow down and make a list of your experiences today – even when you drop a glass on the floor and it shatters into a million pieces. Each of our experiences leads us to the next. As you write them down, you will start to see how your Angels are helping you through them. You will also see how some experiences are repeated, and their level of intensity increases when we don’t take time to learn from them.

If you would like to learn more about understanding your Guardian Angels, please contact me for a list of classes and private sessions. You can reach me at Sending all love and guidance to a life of Peace.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Dream

Our Dreams, Desires, Intentions and Goals sometimes feel so far away and  at times seem to be impossible to reach.  Most spend time thinking about them, visualizing them, and talking about them. 

The real question is how much time do you spend Acting on them?

Below are lyrics to the song "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield

"Reaching for something in the close you can almost taste it"  this is where most people get to, with their Dreams, close almost tasting it...

To Live the Dream you must go into Action...thinking about it is wonderful but Acting Upon It brings it into REALITY.  It is simple if you really want to Live the Dream then Act on It.

Learn how to Act Upon your dreams by asking those who have brought their Dreams into Reality.

Attend the Inspire Me Lifestyle Enhancement Series Luncheon  got to this link to find out more and register for this great series.

Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Believing in YOU

You can choose to believe in yourself, when you do you will see amazing things shift in your life. 

How to start learning the New Way of Thinking

1. Make a List of your beliefs; good, great, bad and ugly
       Now you are aware of the self limiting , fear-based beliefs which make you feel not good enough or sad
       And you know of what beliefs bring you joy and happiness

2. Circle the one you believe will give you the biggest reward if it were shifted to a positive belief

3. Now set your Intention ~ how do you want life to be around this belief

4. List the Gratitude you have with this awareness

5. Most Important Step ~ Action on a daily basis towards removing the belief
        Journal daily on how you feel about the belief, how the belief showed up in your day, & how you felt

If you get stuck on how to JOURNAL, which most do, call me I can go over techniques to help you break through the resistance.

Only through Action do we see the next level of this Divine Life we are given ~ Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Vow to YOU

What is a Vow?  We have been taught the Vow to God or the Vow in Marriage but we have not been taught the Vow of Self Love.  When we make a Vow to do something like;  go to a networking event, spend time making new friends on facebook, or going to the gym to workout and we don't do what we said we were going to do ~ this is a form of Self Sabotage ~ translation "Not Loving Our SELF". 

The problem in the vows mentioned above; is it starts with the fact no one is watching us but our self.  We come up with valid factual reasons why we could not go to the gym or a networking event.  We think we can just forget about it ~ Nobody knows you made the Vow to YOU!

However, the only one that truly counts is YOU and YOU do know!  YOU know YOU did not do the things YOU vowed to do!  So you start thinking about how;
  • YOU never follow through on anything 
  • YOU could never  be really successful in your career
  • YOU are lazy and unproductive

Breaking your VOWS to YOU is Self Sabotage and it causes the destruction of the
Amazing Exceptional Being YOU are! 

Let's Look at the dictionary's description of the word VOW this might explain why
vow   /vaÊŠ/ Show Spelled[vou] Show IPA


1. a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment: marriage vows; a vow of secrecy.  I like this one, I just needed to make it bigger so we all see it!

2. a solemn promise made to a deity or saint committing oneself to an act, service, or condition.

3. a solemn or earnest declaration.

–verb (used with object)

4. to make a vow of; promise by a vow, as to god or a saint: to vow a crusade or a pilgrimage.  What if we Vowed the crusade of Self LOVE, How would our lives be different?  What would be the benefits?

5. to pledge or resolve solemnly to do, make, give, observe, etc.: They vowed revenge. Wow this is where the message of revenge starts getting programmed in our society, Parents start looking at the dictionary not just the video games which many believe are the cause of the anger in the teens today.

6. to declare solemnly or earnestly; assert emphatically (often fol. by a clause as object): She vowed that she would take the matter to court. And

7. to dedicate or devote by a vow: to vow oneself to the service of God. and to Our Self, Do we really believe that God wants us to not love our self? 

–verb (used without object)

8. to make a vow. and stay committed to it and in doing so we LOVE OUR SELF!

9. to make a solemn or earnest declaration. Yes, our own declaration of SELF LOVE!


10. take vows, to enter a religious order or house.  Yes, true and what about our own House of Self Love?

When we follow through with what we say we are going to do to ~ To Our self for Our Self ~ we do not receive Self Sabotage!  Start today what are you Vowing to do and then do it!
Blessings of Fulfillment In ALL to ALL
Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Inspire Me Circles and Workshops

Inspire Me Circles, a motivational gathering designed to help inspire those who desire to shift their lives from stress and overwhelm to peace and success.

“Think of a candle party or a jewelry party, without the candles and jewelry. This gathering is all about the people and inspiring them to live the life they dream of,” Pietrzyk says.

The group is the first of its kind in Lee County, although similar concepts are making their way around other areas of the country.

“One of my clients in the Chicago suburbs told me she heard of a ‘What Not to Wear’ party, which is a gathering about how you look on the outside,” Pietrzyk said. “An inspire Me Circle is about how you feel on the inside.”

The idea is that you would gather eight to 10 of your closest friends for a girls evening in your home. Pietrzyk would guide the group through an inspirational book and provide tips and tools to help the group learn how to live life to its fullest.

So, who benefits?

• Anyone who desires the relationships in their life to be peaceful

• Anyone who is dealing with a struggle in their life

• Anyone who wants to learn how to reach their goals without feeling stress

• Anyone who desires their work to be fulfilling

Inspire Me Circles meet once a week for four weeks. Each gathering takes about two hours. The cost per person is $35 for the entire four-week session. For more information or to schedule your Inspire Me Circle, Contact Mir Lynne Pietrzyk at 239-253-2884 or

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

LIFEBOAT without an Oar

Some moments in life, we feel as though we are on a LifeBoat without an Oar. We might be moving, changing jobs, getting a divorce, sending a child off for college or undergoing another big change in life.

Even though some of these changes are positive, they can still bring on feelings of being overwhelmed. You feel like you’re not enough. You feel stress, fear, impatience, judgment and out of control.
The feeling of not being connected to your Higher Self during these times of change is truly what I feel needs to be worked on. The problems surface when we stay grounded in the Ego’s delusion of judgment, fear and not being enough. It causes us to feel stressed, overwhelmed and out of control. Most of us do not realize these are the results of experiencing a "disconnect" from our Higher Self.

Higher Self is what I call our true connection with God, Jesus, Christ, Buddha, etc. When we are truly connected to our Higher Self, we feel complete, creative, patient and more. We look at others with unconditional love and acceptance no matter what they might say or do.

One way to test and see if you are being unconditional in your love and acceptance is to look at how you are interacting with the first 50 people you see in your day – the people you live with, work with and speak to daily.

Your Ego will tell you that you love unconditionally, because you were nice to the woman in the checkout line, even though she was mean to you. This is important. And the true work lies in those first 50 people in our lives. So let’s get to work and get connected.

The first step is to write down how you are feeling. This can be one word or three pages of words. The objective is to get all your feelings out of your head so you can clear the path to connection.

Second, write down what your intention is. For example, “My intention with my last days at my job is to be at peace and in acceptance with all.”

Third write down what you are grateful for: “I am grateful that I have a position with a company that respects my abilities, talents and past experiences.”

Forth, write down three action steps:

I will ask each team member today how I can help him or her before I leave.

I will use kind words when I speak to all those I encounter.

I will discontinue swamp talk with team members.

This simple technique will allow you to arrive to shore without an Oar.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Positive Thoughts + Positive Words + Positive Actions = Positive Results

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

By Gandhi

Positive Thinking is only the first step ~ through Action you take the thinking into reality and Transform YOUR Life Positively.  But how do I start? Is what most people ask me, call me to learn how Life Coaching can help you.  I have coaching programs, courses, gatherings, book clubs and much more which some are free.  Even the belief one has no money can't hold them back from positively transforming their life.

You can reach me at 239-253-2884 I will be happy to discuss how to start and together we can create an Action plan to transform your life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Giving to Our Community

Good Morning SWFL

I would like to let you in on a secret...there is a place in SWFL with the energy of pure unconditional love, joy, happines, prosperity, and God's miracles.  I would love for you to feel the energy and witness the miracles, would you like to?  Sometimes fear of the unknown holds us me to release the fear and feel the true energy of giving. 

Every other Thursday I arrive at 5:00pm to the Salvation Army Cafe and give to wonderful people of our community.   These amazing individuals are currently living in nature (labeled as Homeless) and do not have some of the simplest of things... Here is a list of items we wish to collect by June 28th

Men's pants all sizes
Men's t-shirts all sizes
Women's t-shirts all sizes
Women's pants all sizes
Kids clothes
Duffel Bags
Back Packs
Shaving cream
Lotion with Shea Butter helps keep the mosquitoes away

We are also looking for volunteers to help collect items, serve food, and plan special parties.  If you want to give back to the community but you are not sure where to go to do it, please call me and I can help you find the place and time that works best for you.

"Giving as God would is an Exceptional way of being"

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Exceptional Life

A Exceptional Life here is the link listen at your computer any time
Radio Show
July 19th Monday at 8:00 am and every Monday there after

Many people say they want to live an Exceptional Life but they are not sure where to start. This Monday am 15 minute radio show will help you learn how to start learning. Listen in and learn.

"As we choose to live an exceptional life we transform our selves, those around us, and the world" You are Exceptional and now is the time to be Exceptional ~ Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



I Choose to live in love ~ I embrace love and wholeness ~ With each breath I am filled with self-love and well-being ~Love and healing energy surround me ~ As I live in the energy of perfect self-love I am restored to wholeness and peace ~ I am blessed with perfect loving thoughts ~ My mind, body, and spirit are renewed in love and wholeness ~ As I love myself, I am filled with the unlimited possibilities of living in perfect love of all humanity ...By ABDAIA

It is through Love we can find the possibilities waiting for us.  It is not that you have to have a love relationship to act upon love.  There are relationships all around us waiting for us to give love to and the most important person to give to first is you.  Loving our self is not what we have been taught to do.  We have been told it selfish and not nice.  I am hear to say this is an old belief and is holding people back from having true love relationships in their lives.  The only way to truly have deep loving relationships in our lives is to truly love ourselves deeply first. 

Join me at one of the book clubs or meet up groups in the area to learn how to start allowing the love to flow to you.  The next meet up for SWFL Living YOUR Life Purpose is
Friday 6:30 ~ 7:30 pm
Panera Bread Coconut Point Estero, FL

Sending Love to all
Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do you want to Give your unused stuff to people who really need it?

Here is a list of items to consider

18-24 Month Baby Clothes
4 T toddler clothes
5 T toddler clothes
36 C or D Bras
Tank Tops M L Men or Women
Men's shorts all sizes we have a request for 30 and 38 waist
BACK PACKS, Duffel Bags, Suit Cases

Please call me at 239-253-2884 or email me at and I will arrange to pick up the items from you.  If you are interested in going with me to the Salvation Army to give the items to those who Live in Nature please let me know.  It will be one of the most powerful experiences you have ever had in life.

In honor of our community and all who are here with us
Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Giving and Receiving with the Salvation Army

Tears of happiness fill my eyes when I think about what happened last night and every time I go to the Salvation Army to serve food.  I have always wanted to help and give to our community but I never knew where to go and I would say someday I will but I am to busy now.  Before I moved back to SWFL I set the intention to give to the community I call home with honor and passion.  The first Thursday in June was my first experience of giving honor and passion to my home community and it has been one of the most powerful experience in my life. 

When a child, who does not have a home, said to me last night "Can we have more than one toy" as he looked at the box of unwanted toys in front of him and I said "Yes" His eyes shined brighter than the sun and his smile lifted me to the energy of God. 

When a lady named Beverly came up to me and said "Thank you for the lotion you gave me, my skin hurts so badly from living outside" my heart was filled with pure love. 

As we give to others it is important to remember to truly receive the love they give back as we do we allow more giving to take place.

In honor to all
Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Merry-Go-Round

We have all felt the spinning of the merry-go-round in life.  Some of us are so use to the feeling of spinning we think it is normal.  If you want to stop the spinning and start creating the life you dream of then say Yes, Show UP, and Do the Work. 

Yes ~ to what ?  Let's face it most of us do not even have a clue what to say Yes to because we have just gotten off the merry-go-round and the spinning in our head makes us second guess ourselves causing us to do nothing but get back on the merry-go-round.  Try saying Yes to healthy things.  Maybe these are things you think will never work or are far from your beliefs.  You never have to stay in the things you say Yes to you just have to try them.  As you try new things you find creativity is an energy you posses.  As you fill your mind with creativity and new things you become a Seeker of Your Dreams.  As you seek out your dreams you find them.  Just say Yes and find yourself in a New World living the Life You have dreamed of. 

Show UP ~ to what?  Healthy, Loving, Creative, Empowering courses, classes, seminars, book clubs, fitness programs, and the list goes on.  There are many courses in your area you just have to be a Seeker to find them.  Try one this week Show UP and experience it. 

Do the Work ~ what?  More work, No way!  This is the typical response from most people since the word work has been believed to be hard, time consuming and exhausting.  The work I am speaking of actually gives you more energy, time and creates peace.  Most likely you have never been taught this concept of work so to believe it might be hard right now.  This is when you say "Yes" and learn to see work as a way to have more energy, time and peace. 

How to get started;
Just call me, I will give you a free list of information on how and where you can get started
Then all you need to do is the Action

In honor of all,
Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Did you know the one thing that you have been procrastinating on, denying or delaying is the one thing if you attack it your whole life is positively affected?

What is your one thing you have always thought you would love to be different but nothing you do seems to work or you just don’t know what to do? 
  • Relationships ~ when my relationships in life are peaceful life will be peaceful for me
  • Career ~ when I receive my promotion I will love my job  
  • Finances ~ when I start making money I will be able to do the things I want to do
Start taking action in your life today.  Whatever area you believe should be different than it is in the current moment is an area to start with.

Here are a few action steps many of my clients start with

  • List the benefits of how your life would be different once you accomplish your one thing
  • Schedule time to put action towards your one thing

If you have found you usually accomplish your goals to a certain level and then you are back to old habits then try something new, consider hiring a Certified Life Coach. Call me today to find out how accountability with a Life Coach brings you to a higher level of accomplishment. You can reach me at 239-253-2884.


"To positively affect your life is to attack the one thing you have been delaying, denying or procrastinating on in life when you do your entire world will benefit".


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Giving and Receiving

When we Give we also have to be open to Receive. If we only Give and shy away from Receiving we stop the flow gratitude in our Giving. Receiving is not something we were taught to accept. I see adults shy away from the uncomfortable feeling of someone saying a heartfelt thank you, usually this is said "Oh, don't worry it was no big deal to help you" this statement zaps the good in your giving. Next time you give and someone says Thank You, consider saying this " I received as much as I gave to you, this has been an amazing time and I am grateful to hear your words. This statement uplifts the other person to another level of receiving and you in giving. The flow of gratitude continues and continues. In honor of all Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

Friday, May 21, 2010

Are you ready to start living in peace?

As we pile more and more onto our plates of life, the feeling of overwhelm starts to creep into our thoughts, words and action. We think about how much there is to do in our week, and we say, “Next week I won’t have so much to do.” However, the reality is that there is more to do next week. After weeks and years of thinking this way, we find ourselves in full drive overwhelm, but this is a stress we can shift once we start practicing toward peace.

One of the first steps is to write down all of the things you want to accomplish in the week. Once you have this list, break it down into days. Try to have no more than six items to complete per day. This allows time for the unknown emergencies and the items that can’t be completed until someone else finishes their work.

The second step is to set up time to sit quietly and do breathing exercises. Taking 3-5 deep breaths and mindfully thinking of your body relaxing will help you see your present day with peace. This is a form of meditation. It slows your body down to live in the present moment.

The third step is to ask for help. This is something we all struggle with because we have been told that those in need of help are weak. This belief is simply not true. Those who need help are giving to others. By asking for help, we allow others to feel the pleasure of giving of themselves. During your meditation, see yourself receiving the help you need to accomplish your weekly goals.

Take time to slow down and release. This is something you should practice to see the ultimate results. Remember, your overwhelm did not start in one day, it worked up through weeks and years. Practicing these exercises continually will bring you the desired result of peace.

If you would like to know how a Certified Life Coach can help you stay focused on practicing, please call me for a 15-minute complementary coaching session at 239-253-2884

Mir Lynne Pietrzyk
Certified Master Life Coach

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Are YOU ready to start Living the LIFE YOU WANT?

Are you ready for life to be better? Are you ready to Live? Learn how to expand your field of awareness in your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. Join me as I host an amazing transformational course which brings you to the awareness and tools to create the life you want.

The Living Tree of Life Course

Informational Meeting June 12th at 9:00 am TBD in SWFL

Classes start
Jun 17, Jul 8, Jul 22,
Aug 5, Aug 19, Sept 2
All sessions begin at 6:30PM
6 Sessions $420 payment programs available

Call Mir Lynne Pietrzyk 239-253-2884

Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Living Tree of Life series about?
This experiential study allows students to receive the knowledge,
understanding and wisdom from ancient teachings relevant to life
today. Based on the teachings of Kabbalah, the series provides
lessons, study exercises and processes to awaken the senses and
raise consciousness. It is an amazing journey to explore and
experience the levels of consciousness to bring about new
possibilities and opportunities for true living.

Who should consider taking this series?
Anyone interested in expanding their field of awareness in
understanding to manage their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions.
It is the one who wishes to grow, without boundaries, to examine
how we work with spiritual energy to manifest what we experience
in life.

Why are sessions held over a period of time?
Sessions are scheduled over a period of time to allow students the
time to receive information and energy which is then practiced and
experienced. This allows for deeper learning, to develop awareness
and to bring into one’s self the understanding and wisdom provided
to the student alone.

How do I register for the course?
Call 239-791-6749 or the center where you found this flyer. The
series is $420, payable by cash or check. When you register, you
will be asked to provide your name, birth name, birth day, and birth
time. As much information that you can provide allows the teacher
to provide additional information to help you through the program.

Is there anything I need to bring for the class?
We suggest that you bring a journal and pen specifically for this
program. Many students have found it helpful to take notes on their
insights and experiences of this program. It is a wonderful tool to be
able to track and monitor your growth. You can come back to the
study tools and practices again and again to help yourself grow in
the process.

Are other tools necessary for the class?
The teacher will bring additional tools that will be used for the class.
All materials are provided. If however, you have a tarot deck that
you are fond of using, you may bring the deck with you for the class.

Who teaches this program?
Caroline Ravelo is a Spiritual Teacher, Life and Business Coach,
Writer and Speaker. She is passionate about the teachings of
Kabbalah and helping others enrich their lives through personal
growth and life creation. Caroline works with clients and students
from around the country who are dedicated to living a purposeful life
based on the dreams and passions they choose to experience.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Become a Seeker

Soon the child's clear eye is clouded over by ideas and opinions, preconceptions and abstractions. Simple free being becomes encrusted with the burdensome armor of the ego. Not until years later does an instinct come that a vital sense of mystery has been withdrawn. The sun glints through the pines, and the heart is pierced in a moment of beauty and strange pain, like a memory of paradise. After that day, we become seekers.
By Peter Matthiessen

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to have a Purpose Driven Life

Have you ever wondered what you are here for? What you are supposed to be doing in this life? If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle with these thoughts on a daily basis. The answers to these questions are not out of reach. Read my blog to learn how you can start living your life on purpose.

I hear these questions a lot, “What is living a life on purpose?” “When do you know you have found it?” “How do I find my purpose?”

Many people believe their life purpose is focused around their education, career, volunteerism or parenting. They think, “Once I have the degree, I will be living on purpose.” Or, “Once I have that career, I will be living on purpose.” Or, “Once I volunteer for that charity event, I will be living on purpose.” Or, “Once I raise my children, I will be living on purpose.” But, the feeling of living on purpose is never truly felt.

“Why not?” many people ask. They say, “I have done everything everyone has said to do. I have a degree, a career, a volunteer position and children.” The answer is because living on purpose starts with everything inside of you – it is not the outside stuff that makes you feel that way. You have to make yourself feel that way.

I am not saying you shouldn’t get a degree, a great career, a fulfilling volunteer position or have kids. I am saying you should do more than the status quo. Living a Purpose Driven Life means doing the uncomfortable, standing in the fire and honoring you. Learning how to do this takes determination and accountability. You can be determined on your own, but you can not trust yourself to be accountable to.

Call me today to learn how Life Coaching programs keep you accountable to a Purpose Driven Life. I offer a 15-minute complementary coaching session to answer your questions. Stand in the Fire of the unknown and call me to learn how Life Coaching can help you achieve your Desire and Lead you to living a purpose driven life.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you teach your kids to tell the truth?

To understand how to teach your kids to tell the truth you first have to examine how we teach them to lie. Here is a short story on how we teach kids to lie...
I witnessed how we are taught to lie last night at my son’s little league game, A boy was up to bat, the ball came in and the batter fell to the ground avoiding getting hit. However the Umpire thought he got hit and told him to take the base. The batter was honest and said “I Did Not Get HIT ” the batters' parents and coaches were yelling at the batter “Yes, it did take the base, the Umpire called it” the boy repeated himself again and again, “No it did not” and he stayed at the plate slamming the next pitch and making it to third. Unfortunately the parents and coaches did not see the true gift of telling the truth. The batter was on third instead of on first. We have to watch how we teach young adults for our own win and glory. Check in with your actions and words are they the truth? If not, then you can’t get upset with your kids for not telling the truth, they have learned it from you. Teaching kids to speak the truth is a lesson for all involved, I encourage you to start today it will make our world a better place. Go in Truth

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is your Guardian Angel Guiding you?

Many people ask, “How do you know when your Guardian Angel is guiding you?” My reply is, “How do you not know?” Our Angels are guiding us all the time – unfortunately, we do not slow down enough to listen.

Some people have said their Angels must be dark or bad, because bad stuff always happens to them. This is just their way of not taking responsibility for their actions. Our Guardian Angels are not bad; they do not create bad things to happen to us – we do that all on our own. Angels, along with God, want us to live a life of peace and bliss. It is our Ego that keeps us from having that life – not our Angels and God.

We need to understand that communication with our Angels and God is not limited to our voice box. They also communicate through “experiences” – either in our life or in the lives of others around us. Our daily, weekly and yearly experiences are how they communicate with us. Many do not understand how the small experiences are messages.

Here are a few things to think about the next time this happens to you:

· Someone is repeatedly trying to give you important papers that you will need later, but you keep saying, “There is time. I will get them from you later.” Then you forget to get them, which causes you to run around stressed out trying to get the papers that you kept pushing away earlier. This example of not listening to your Angels is causing you stress.

· Someone tells you a story about their road trip and how they almost being snuffed out by a semi-truck. Later that day, a semi-truck almost snuffs you out, but because someone told you his or her story, you were aware and able to blow your horn in time. This is listening to your Angels, and it prevented you from getting into an accident.

· The best one is when you lock your keys in your vehicle. Many people beat themselves up over this, but actually, this is only your Angels stopping you from getting into a car accident. Just because we can’t push the fast forward button and see it with our own eyes does not mean it is not true.

All of our experiences are God-given, and our Angels are there to guide us through them with peace. We have become so out of touch with our Spirit, most of us have a hard time recognizing that experiences are God-given when they are difficult. The only reason experiences are difficult is that we are not seeing them with God’s eyes – we are using our Ego’s eyes.

Take the time to slow down and make a list of your experiences today – even when you drop a glass on the floor and it shatters into a million pieces. Each of our experiences leads us to the next. As you write them down, you will start to see how your Angels are helping you through them. You will also see how some experiences are repeated, and their level of intensity increases when we don’t take time to learn from them.

If you would like to learn more about understanding your Guardian Angels, please contact me for a list of classes and private sessions. You can reach me at Sending all love and guidance to a life of Peace.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Award

Awards. We all love to win them. We love to brag about them. They show the world that we are good at something. But how important are those awards, really? We can’t take them with us when we die. What will happen to them? Will someone just dump them in the trash as they clean out our belongings? Perhaps there’s more to a career than winning awards. Read my blog to learn about the true gifts we give and receive in our careers.

Winning an award is great, fun and exciting! It’s a jolt to the Ego; and a way to prove to others you have made it in your career.

We like awards, and we have been programmed to like them. We get them from a young age – first starting with food as a small child. Then in school, teachers give out awards like the clouds give us rain drops – a lot. They showered us in them.

As we get older, we get awards in college, from our employers, from the non-profit organizations we volunteer for, and even from the neighborhoods we live in.

If we could only carry these awards around with us as we grow older – to show everyone what we have done in our life. It would make our Ego feel so good.

Let me tell you what I experienced one hot summer day in July. I was having lunch with a close friend, and we were having a great time. I knew many other people in the restaurant, too. Normally, I would approach them to say, “Hi” and spend a few minutes catching up with them, but this was my friend’s time. I wanted her to know she was special to me, and that I was truly there to see her.

We sat in a moon shaped booth, which, by the way, is weird for going out with just one other friend. I made the most of it and sat right in the middle. She sat to my left. Our conversation was great, the food was awesome and the time spent together was wonderful. Then my friend excused herself to go to the restroom.

I sat there in the middle of the moon shaped booth. At first, it was odd, strange and a little uncomfortable. I watched a baby eat and people in the restaurant converse happily with each other, and then I saw an older man – one who looked grateful to be walking – stroll by with his wife.

I thought, “I know him, Oh, my gosh, I know him!” I yelled his name, “Hank, Hank, Hank.” His frail body turned to look in my direction. I could tell he had no idea who I was. I scooted out of the booth and walked up to him like a kid walking up to Mickey Mouse.

“It’s Lynne Pietrzyk, Pelican Landing,” I said. He smiled really big. His wife remembered me too. I was not even thinking about what to say, I just started telling him how much his support, encouragement and guidance has been with me all the 13 years since I last saw him. His eyes filled with tears, and he smiled a huge smile that appeared like it would permanently be on his face. I gave them my number, wished them a blessed day and thanked him again.

As I walked back to my seat, the message was load and clear. It is not what awards you have gotten in life. It is the people you touch, inspire, encourage, guide and support. I went back to my seat where my friend was waiting for me. The excitement was busting out of me. I could not believe I saw him. I got to speak with him, and the message I received was a true gift from God.

I told my friend the story of Hank. He was the former CEO of Spiegel magazine. He created The Spiegel Catalog. I am not certain, but I am sure he won some awards from some organization in his life. But at that moment it was not about the awards. It was about how he continued to support, guide and encourage me that brought the feelings of fulfillment, peace, abundance and love to all of us as we stood in the restaurant.

At the end of our life, we could pull around all of the awards we’ve won in a little red wagon. Maybe someone will invent a wagon we can attach to wheel chairs to assure we get to showcase our awards till the end of our journey. Or maybe if would be better if we could just tote around pictures of those who we have inspired, guided and truly touched in a photo album. These photos would tell the story of our life and those who were shifted in a positive direction because we met them. This is truly what I believe we will be looking to remember and what will bring us the most peace and joy at the end.

Take time to think about who you have guided and who has guided you, and truly thank them for allowing you the opportunity to guide and for their guidance.

Peace, Love and Joy
Lynne Pietrzyk

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Gifts you are given

The good news is that we are all given many gifts in our daily lives. The bad news is that many of us have not learned to appreciate them. These gifts come in many forms, but they are often overlooked. Why is this?

It’s because we are busy dwelling on the past and holding onto guilt … and worrying about the unknown future. Dwelling on the past and worrying about the future prevents us from living in our Present moment; and it prevents us from seeing the gifts given to us every day.

Many of us have not yet been taught what to do when worry and fear start working on our thoughts, but that’s what I would like to do for you. Read on to learn a simple technique to get you started on the lesson.

This lesson is just like learning algebra – you have to start with simple steps and build on them to learn it fully. If you can commit to 15 minutes a day, you will master the first phase.

The first phase is journaling your thoughts. To many this is scary, and they get a huge mental block about it. I believe this is because it is so simple. Many people believe it is too simple, so it can’t possibly help them. As a result, they don’t do the journaling.

Remember this is the first lesson. Once you see and feel the benefits of journaling, you have mastered it, and it will be a common way you work through your experiences of life.

Many clients ask me, “What am I suppose to write about?” This answer is different for everyone, but in the beginning, I would say describe the way you feel, remembering that there is no right or wrong answer, and you will not be asked to turn this homework in for a grade.

Learning to recognize the feelings and thoughts spinning in your head has not been a lesson we have spent much time learning. Allowing your true feelings to be described will teach you how to recognize your thoughts, allow you to appreciate your present moment, and help you start to release the past and present worries and fears.

Once you have spent 15 minutes journaling daily, you will discover on one special day that you are starting to see your life’s gifts. This is the first step. The second step is learning how to create the life you desire. This second step is a little more complex, and I suggest contacting a Certified Master Life Coach.

Note from the Author:
I write this to awaken you and give to you the first lesson I have learned which have set me free of the worries and fears of life. Yes, I am a Certified Master Life Coach and I would enjoy working with you. Call me today to schedule your 15 minute complimentary coaching session.
“Your Soul is calling for You to take Action”

Certified Master Life Coach, Lynne Pietrzyk

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Peace or Stress, You have a Choice

Which one do you want for today? Often we do not think about this as a choice – probably never. Think about it … you wake up, get ready for your day, begin your day driving and listening to the continued static talk of the radio, appear at work and maybe get creative, go home, eat dinner, watch T.V., go to bed and then start all over again.

In between these events, we are stressed, overwhelmed, hurt and angry, and then we wonder why our life is the way it is. If I told you it is only because you did not make a conscious decision on what you wanted your day to be like, would you make the choice daily?

If you choose peace, then just take small steps and have fun with it. Here are a few suggestions I have found to start living a peaceful life.

Choose peace, or the opposite of stress, every morning at the same time (while brushing your teeth, drinking your first cup of coffee or walking the dog).
Make a list of people you want to thank, and thank at least one person a day.
Waive and smile at people you pass in the store, driving or walking.
Check back in with yourself every hour to make sure you still want peace.

There are other ways to live in peace, but these are simple, basic ways that will make you feel good, without overwhelming you.

If you choose stress, enjoy it, feel it and remember it was your choice, not anyone else’s. Also make sure to let those around you know your choice – it’s the least you can do.

Peace does not come from external forces. It does not come from someone else or a better job. It is truly about what is inside you.

This is hard to hear, I know, because we have been programmed all of our lives to believe peace is something too big to obtain and that it comes from others, not ourselves. Many of us dream about what “peace on earth” would be like, but we think it’ll never happen, because we have no earthly idea how it could ever be accomplished. We mistakenly think it would take people bigger and more powerful than us to accomplish peace on earth, so we give up on it and go back to our stressed out lives.

But take a minute and think about what you want. If it’s peace in your life, then all you need to focus on is your peace, not the world’s peace. When you focus on your peace, the people around you benefit, then the community benefits, then our country and then our world. It is a powerful ripple effect to all mankind and then back to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Crisis in the Making

Do we have a crisis because that is what everyone else has? Like getting the fancier car because the neighbor just got a new car. Do we label others with a crisis like the “midlife crisis?”

I have thought about this; gone through what could be labeled as a midlife crisis; coached clients who said they were going through a midlife crisis and read many articles about the signs of midlife crisis.

The term midlife crisis is a label, and it has no solution. I see it as a negative label with the message saying, “Just get over yourself” or “Just forget about it” or “Your life will be better when all the things around you – career, relationships, health and finances – change.”

This is the first delusion. A crisis is not happening because of anyone or anything outside of you. The crisis is just YOU. So let’s get real and learn why we have crises. When we know the why, what and how, we can shift to healing what we have labeled a crisis.

How did the crisis come to be? I believe it started in the beginning of our life journeys. As a child, we are given the answers and told what to do and when to do it. As a teenager, we are expected to know what to do and how to do it. Then, comes the spreading of our wings – we are expected to know how to fly, but our teen years were not spent on Life Flying Lessons, so we spend a few years falling down and getting up again.

We go to college or dedicate ourselves to a career, and by our mid-twenties, we are feeling good about ourselves. By thirty, we have most likely found a life partner and even started a family. We feel a sense of relief – the spotlight is not shining on us. We have arrived, and our Ego says its time to sit back and go to sleep. “You have made it. You have done what all the elders have asked you to do. You have a career and a family. Now it’s time to take a break.”

Then we arrive in our late thirties or early forties, and start to wake up from the coma – the break our Ego told us to take – and we say, “What’s going on? I am alive, but I am not living. I want more out of life than this. It must be my career, my job or my relationship that did this to me.”

Then our mind races, dances and fills itself with thoughts of the Ego, “Life would be better if I was not in this relationship, career or job.” At this moment, we have a chance to own our responsibility and clean up our life. Often that means staying in the career, job or relationship while we clean up ourselves.

Why do we have crises? I believe we have them because we are not congruent in our life. To be congruent, our thoughts, words and actions need to be in line with one another. One of the ways we are incongruent is when we divert into someone else’s life by fixing and enabling them. When we divert onto someone else’s life journey, we are not present in our own life. Our soul goes into a coma, and we live in someone else’s life. Then one day we wake up and say, “What’s going on? What am I doing in life?” We blame the person whose life we diverted into, and Ego thoughts start developing, “He/she controlled me, made me do things I don’t want to do, and held me back from my dreams.” These are thoughts of the Ego with judgment and martyr written all over them. Then we say, “There has to be more out of life than what my life is right now.”

This brings me to the “what.” What is a crisis? A crisis is when we decide we want our life to be different than it has been. Having a crisis does not mean we should end a relationship, quit a job, change a career or move to a new town or state. We hear people say it all the time, “Oh, they got a divorce because he/she was going through a midlife crisis.” What really happened is that person woke up and said, “For the last 15 years I have done everything they have wanted, and I am not living the life I want.” As a result, they think they must leave the relationship, job or career to enjoy life. But, the truth is that leaving is not the action that will make the crisis go away. And, leaving without realizing our responsibility in the crisis will only create the pattern again in another relationship, job or career.

If you think you’re having a crisis, I will be happy to coach you through it. Call me at 239-253-2884 or email me at

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are your Relationships a Mess?

Do you wonder if you will ever find love in your life? Do you wonder why your friendships are filled with conflict? Do you see most of the people around you as unsupportive? Read this blog to learn how to turn the relationships in your life from chaos to peace.

Many of us experience difficult relationships – whether with a spouse, co-worker, family member or friend. It’s difficult to understand why these relationships are always filled with conflict. Usually, we look to blame the other party, but, the truth is, in order to heal these relationships and find love, it first starts with healing you.

Most people don’t know how to heal themselves or even what it means. Healing you is a process of steps over a course of time. Ah, time, the one thing we don’t have enough of. Now you’re thinking, “You want me to do something that will take more time?”

Would you believe me if I told you that spending a few hours a week working on you would actually triple the number of hours you had in a week? If you knew that, would you do it? The way I see it is, you don’t have much to lose, because you are flushing time down the drain with all the chaos, drama and conflict in your relationships as they are.

How to heal you starts with a list of what you want your life to be, how you want to feel, and how you want to interact with the world. Do you want a life of Peace or Stress? It is truly that simple, Peace or Stress?

Most choose Peace, but knowing it and acting on it are where we get stuck. We have not had training in school or college on how to create Peace in our life.

So, here is a tip. Make a list of what you think Peace feels like. List out what brings Peace to you. Next commit today to do one of them and start healing you. You Deserve it. Contact a Certified Master Life Coach to start working on your path of healing and stay on course. I offer a 15 minute complimentary Coaching Session, for those who desire their lives to be at Peace, call me today at 239-253-2884 or email me at to schedule your time.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Judgment and the Backlash that cripples us

Judgment and the Backlash that cripples us

Judgment is a silent killer. That’s right -- a killer. Every time we judge someone for not doing something the way we would do it, we are slowly killing ourselves. Here are the signs -- energy is depleted, our thoughts become unfocused and we feel irritated. This can slowly turn into hatred. Furthermore, when we judge someone else, we are not being present in OUR own lives. Instead of focusing on our own moment in time, we become consumed with what the other person should or should not be doing.

OUR moments are all we have, and to waste them away on how someone else should experience their journey is a killer. We honestly do not know what it is like to be someone else. We have no idea what is going on in his or her head. Trying to live in their world is like trying to duplicate their fingerprint. It simply cannot be done. So stop the madness, and you will stop the backlash that cripples you.

Why do we judge? It’s called DIVERSION. It’s easier to spend hours talking about why someone else did what he or she did than for us to stop and look at ourselves. Consider this: the people in life we can’t understand are our gifts – sent to wake us up to the reality of our own lives. Once we do, life becomes easier, less stressful and more abundant.

I know you may have heard this topic before, perhaps from another author or speaker. Maybe this thought process did not work for you then and you are feeling unsure about it now. Well, thank goodness, Thomas Edison did not give up on making the light bulb or you would be reading this in the dark. We have to push through the resistances and keep experiencing OUR moments -- not someone else’s. When we judge others, we kill a part of our magic as human beings. We can do magnificent things in our lives – we just have to walk away from the judgment thoughts.

I am offering 15 minute complimentary Coaching Session,

Call me today at 239-253-2884 or email me at

Get started on YOU!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Did you hear the Gossip?

Jim lost his job; Carol is going to tell Jim she wants a divorce; and Ron and Michelle’s son, Timmy, was diagnosed with ADD.

Gossip is something we, as a society, have become accustomed to doing and include it in our everyday conversations. If you don’t believe me, then just keep a note pad next to your phone and keep track. Every time you mention someone else’s life, mark it down on your note pad.

Why do we gossip so much? Why are we so consumed with what is going on in everyone else’s lives? Because we can’t stand our own life. Because our life is out of control, and we don’t know how to fix it. Instead, we consume ourselves with the lives of others.

I call this “jumping into someone else’s journey and leaving your own.” First, the Gossiper starts by Gossiping about someone else. Then they tell everyone how they think the Gossipee can fix her life. The Gossiper says, “If she would only listen to me, her life would be better.” Then, when the Gossippee acts on her problem, the Gossiper says, “I have been telling her to DO THAT.” And, finally, the Gossiper says, “I was right,” when the plan works.

Gossip is a negative source of energy. It does nothing to help the person it is about – it just spreads the negativity to others and increases yours.

Once the other person gets the gossip, it has a little bit of the Gossiper’s opinion on it. It is then passed on to another person to add their opinion, and before you know it, it has been spread around to many others with many negative thoughts.

Here is an example. If someone tells you something exciting about someone else, like, “Laura had her baby boy yesterday,” you would most likely feel joy and happiness for Laura and her baby boy. This is positive energy being spread from one to one another.

If someone told you Jim lost his job a week before Christmas, you would probably feel sadness, betrayal and anger. You would wonder, “How could someone do this to Jim?” This is all negative energy.

This is how energy – negative or positive – is spread to each other through our words. The question often arises in my coaching sessions with clients, “What can I do to stop the gossip coming to me? I can’t stop people from saying things about others!” I always say, “Oh, yes you can – not with anger and rudeness but with kindness and teaching.”

If you want to stop the gossip in your life, practice this exercise today: When someone starts to gossip to you about another person, tune out the negative tale and think positive thoughts about that person. Think about a time when you had fun with that person – a time when they were laughing and happy.

This technique uses the power of positive energy to heal the negative energy. By tuning out the gossip and thinking positive thoughts, you are not focusing on the opinions of the Gossiper, and you are not trying to shut them up. All you are doing is thinking positive thoughts about the person they are speaking about.

This takes practice, trust me. We don’t just get it on the first time, so keep practicing and see how you feel after the conversation is over. You will probably feel one of three ways – numbness, happiness or unconditional love for all. These are the phases that most go through as they practice this exercise.

The numb feeling is proof it works, because you are not feeling negativity from the gossip. With a little more practice, you will feel happiness, and then soon, unconditional love for all. The other exciting result is those who feed off gossiping about others will no longer want to tell you about their latest gossip, because they don’t get fed from you engaging. Like I said earlier, you DO have the ability to stop the gossip.

One other thing is to make sure you don’t feed others with gossip about yourself. Take some time to think about how you feel about major life changes going on in your life before you run around spreading your initial feelings to others. Until you have had some time to clear your thoughts and understand what you are going through, you should only share them with a positive person.

Most people find their Life Coach as this positive sounding board. Telling someone who is already covered in negative thoughts will only add to the negative thoughts you are having and is how gossip starts.

If you don’t understand or believe we are all connected energy, then I encourage you to see the movie Avatar. This movie delivers the teaching about how our energy is all connected and how we can make our world a better place.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Relationship of Love

As a society, we have spent a lot of time focusing on being “In Love” with someone. Many people think they are a failure if they don’t find love.

I have thought about what being in love means, and for a long time I wondered what it felt like. I wondered if I would ever feel it or if I was feeling it but did not realize it.

I believe many people struggle with what it means to be “In Love” and wonder if they will ever find it. Many search endlessly for their “soul mate” in life and never really find that one special person. Others jump from one relationship to another hoping to find what being in love is all about.

Over the past three years, I have been given the personal experience to study what being “In Love” is all about, and here is what I have concluded…

What we truly desire as humans is relationships that honor our souls and enlighten our spiritual path. Love is one of the aspects that fulfills this desire. However, there is more to explore than just L.O.V.E.

One aspect is communication. How do you communicate with your “In Love” partner? Do you only talk about the things that need to be done, the things you need from them, or the things you need them to do?

Often this is the case. From a young age, we are taught to tell others what we need. If they don’t give it to us, they are not in love with us. The thought that you “NEED” someone else to do something for you is a thought of the Ego. The ego does not feel complete without someone else giving to it. The Ego needs and it needs others to do things differently for it to be happy.

As I have studied the relationships of love for the last three years, I have discovered what a Relationship of Love is and how it differs from being “In Love.”

In short, I believe the relationship of Love is about each person’s desires that honor and enlighten their soul’s spiritual path. To translate how this looks in our world, here is a short story of how one couple’s relationship went from being “In Love” to a Relationship of Love.

In the beginning, the couple was “In Love” – it was exciting and fun. They spent time together going to the movies, out to eat and dancing. They were in the swing of dating and having a great time.

They soon felt the need to move their relationship to the next level, so they got married. After a few years, they decided to have a child, and 16 months later, they had another child. Life was busy with two in diapers and thriving careers. They had little time for each other.

There was talk of being “In Love” with words of “I Love YOU” being mentioned on a daily basis, but there was little action toward honoring each other with love. Of course, there was the usual celebration of love on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays and Christmas – thank goodness for these holidays, otherwise many would be completely without the honoring of love.

The couple spent many years in survival mode, and communication was curt and business like. Conversations were like this, “Did you pay this bill?” “Did you take out the trash?” “Did you make the doctor appointment for the kids?” “Will you be able to make the kids’ soccer game?”

The couple survived by thinking, “Once we get through this stage of life, then we will be able to show our love for each other.” They also had the other deadly thought, “He/She must know I love them. I tell them all the time.”

After ten years of this survival mode and disconnection, it is no surprise that the couple was facing divorce. But, after working with a Life Coach and taking time to work on their own self-love, they have each discovered their true desires about a Relationship of “Love,” and they are able to express their Desires to each other rather than their Needs.

They are closer than they have ever been in their seventeen years of marriage. They have truly found what being in a Relationship of Love is and how it is far better than a being “In Love.”

Take a minute to think about how you feel when someone says to you, “I need you to _________.” The translation is, “I need you to be different than you are for me to be happy.” Does this thought make you feel pressure, a sense of choking, undesirable emotions towards the other? Well you are not alone – most people feel this way when someone tells them they NEED them to be different than they are.

Neediness is an emotion that others will make you happy if they will just listen to what you Need. Need is not honoring your soul’s spiritual growth, Need actually puts you in a coma. Need says, “When the other person does what I need them to do, I will be able to wake up and life will be wonderful again.”

When we think about how we desire our Relationship of Love to be, and we express to our partner our desire of a Relationship of Love, it does not put the emotion of the Ego into play.

When we express our desire of how we want to experience life and our Relationship of Love, it is much like praying with our partner. By expressing our desire, we are standing in our own self-love and personal power and are able to give Love to our partner. This increases the honor of our soul’s spiritual path.

To put your desire into action and remove the Need in life, here are a few steps to act on.
· First, sit by yourself and think about what you desire in a Relationship of Love.
· Next, think about what you will do to act on the desire. What action can you take to honor your desire in the Relationship of Love.
· Third, take time to express your desire of a Relationship of Love to your partner and how you desire it to be.

If you need help, email me at or call me at 239-253-2884.