Tuesday, July 1, 2014

3 Tips to Improve Your Mother Daughter Relationship

I found it interesting that when I searched on the internet about relationships, mother daughter relationship articles where at the top of the search.  After reading a few of the articles I was excited to find the authors were speaking my language.  Stop Fixing, Ask a Power Question, Not all Problems need to be shared with your kids.
1.       Stop Fixing – this is sometimes is hard because we also want to support those we love.  However fixing things robs your daughter of learning how to be independent of others.  What this teaches daughters is to find a partner who will fix them, which leads them to be codependent instead of independent in their relationships.

2.       Ask a Power Question – when someone comes to us with a problem we automatically assume they need our advice.  I find that more times than not they are wanting to talk about the problem first.  Instead of giving unwanted advice, ask them this question “If your friend was going through this problem what would you tell her to do?”  A majority of the time they will find their own answer to their problem.  This is the best gift a Mother can give a daughter, the gift of independent problem solving.

3.       Problems and Sharing – I have seen many Moms share their intense problems with their daughters.  This sets up a role reversal which is not healthy for either of you.  I believe we should share a problem and a solution.  If you have not yet gotten through to the solution, don’t share the ugly parts with your daughter.  Here are some ways to still share without going into details –

“I am going through a challenge right now and when I have a solution to this challenge I will share it with you”. This is also teaching her how to do this with her own children. 

One of my missions in life is to educate parents on how to communicate and have healthy relationships with their children.  As the parents do this the children learn how to thrive and have healthy relationships of their own.  I believe this is how the world evolves to a healthier way of living. 
Do you want to learn more?  I suggest this great book by Linda Perlman Gordon and Susan Morris Shaffer
Too Close for Comfort? Questioning the Intimacy ofToday's New Mother-Daughter Relationship

Sacred Cardinal Wheel of Life Journey

Sacred Cardinal Wheel of Life Journey

Welcome to Wheel of Life, a sacred and safe way to discover your unique energies. Each journey is designed to teach you about a virtue of the Divine while learning how to work with the energies in one’s daily life.
The Sacred Cardinal Journey

Here are some of the energies one will experience during the journey:

Heightened Passion in Your Life's Purpose
Clarity and Understanding of all Aspects of You
The ability to Stand Taller, be more Regal, and Stepping into Your Natural Confidence to Lead with Grace and Compassion. 
The ability to Give without loosing Yourself in the process. 
Connection to both the your emotions and actions to bring forth your Divine Power and Thrive.
The journey will reconnect you to your true self and enhance your connection to your true self by bringing your mind, soul, and spirit into a harmony and balance.  The journey assists us in moving forward in our life purpose, and healing the areas in our life which seems to repeat or keep us feeling stuck. 

What former travelers have said about their journey:
“I have noticed a deeper connection to my children and my husband”

“My son has opened up to me about his struggles and challenges”
“My boyfriend enjoyed the sacred home clearing assignments”

“Because of the group of soul travelers, I was able to face removing myself from a toxic work environment”
“I learned how to speak about how I truly felt and have authentic relationships”

“My relationship enhanced to deeper love with my spouse”
The journey consists of gathering five times every 6-8 weeks with a maximum of 8 travelers. This is a sacred journey and we connect with the energy of the group. Keeping the number of travelers to 8 allows us to truly honor the Divine energy working with us.  The group sets the next date for each gathering together. Each gathering is $75. As we work with the energy of the Divine, we set appointments with ourselves to gather in sacred space and honor the unique aspects of our being. Come join this sacred soul group and experience life in a new way!

Two journeys are forming July 19th at 3pm and July 27th at 3pm.  Virtual connection is available. 

Artist Jeni Willing

cardinal picture kindly provided by David J. Crotty. Thanks Dave!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Relationship Harmony

Relationships Standing Up with Peace and Experiencing Harmony

What do you want to experience in your day? 
Peace, Happiness, Love, Kindness, Harmony, Strength

Do you believe you can choose these and have them? 

Or do you want the opposites of these words?  Most often people find they already are experiencing the opposites and believe this is just how life is.

How to experience Relationships Harmony, means you will be asked to stand up for what you want to experience,

"Stand Up! for having Peace in your day and
Harmony in your Relationship"
What does standing up mean?  Well it does not mean yelling, shouting, or getting angry with the other person who seems to be keeping you from experiencing peace and harmony in your relationship. 
What standing up with peace means regarding a argument, usually not peaceful and harmonious, you stand in your power by calmly saying
"This _(conversation)_ does not honor my intention of a peaceful day and harmony in our relationship and I will need to either leave the room or we will need to change the subject, what do you choose?"
This is used when you feel yourself getting upset and just before you say things that are harmful.
Harming another because your feelings are hurt only creates more junk for you to clean up later. Also it keeps you from having what you say you want, peace and harmony.

Remember sometimes it is best to remove yourself and get your emotions under control
 I like to say "I am saving you from me" by leaving the room. 

Yes, the other person might be at first offended but that is because this new behavior is not what they are use to.  Give them grace as they catch up to what you said.  (You might have to repeat it a couple of times)  This is not because the other person is stupid or is ignoring you, repeating it is empowering your life with what you say you want.

This is one step to obtaining relationships which are peaceful and honoring of you. Please check in for following steps throughout the month of June our focus is on Relationships Standing Up with Peace and Experiencing Harmony in Your Relationship.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Do you use the word SHOULD in phrases like "I should have done that, instead" or "They should do this" if so it is important to know what you are truly doing to yourself....you are putting yourself in a hole of quicksand.....The "should" syndrome is a slow death to your life and causes much grief to those you love. That is truth so consider the next time you use the word SHOULD in a sentence

Thank you to Mike Robbins
#changeyourlife #Relationships

Thursday, May 8, 2014

When Life is Out of Control - What Can You Do?

Out of Control Thoughts create a Life Out of Control
What is a common thought in your mind?  Money, Career, or Relationships....these can be stormy or clear skies but it first starts with your thoughts and beliefs in your mind.  Create what you want by clearing out the junk.

  • Do you think about the struggles in your relationships verses the times of happiness?
  • Do you believe you will never make enough money to live comfortably?
  • Do you repeat to others I will never get the promotion because ____ is better at the job than me?

These are only a few thoughts people think on a regular basis which causes them to experience these events in their lives over and over again.

How to clear this type of thinking at first seems to be overwhelming which is why most people never get out of the repeating cycle of junk.  If one realizes overwhelm is just a test on commitment they begin to get a leg up on the negative thoughts in their mind.  

Here are a few tips on what one can implement in their daily life;
  1. Take a time out – sit quietly, put on soothing music or listen to the birds sing outside, write your thoughts on paper, meditate or pray
  2. Read a positive book -  one that uplifts and motivates you, A Course In Miracles, The Bible, or any book that brings positive thoughts to your mind.
  3. Eat healthy foods – Foods that are alive and balanced in proper nutrients
  4. Exercise – walking, biking, or joining a group fitness program
  5. Create something – a new healthy recipe, a favorite art project, or plant a garden
  6. Proper Rest  - if you are tired rest for 20 minutes, make sure to get a good night sleep

I suggest making this list a daily habit by writing them in a daily log journal and checking them off as you do them throughout your day.  Remember this, some days you will check off all 6 and others you won’t and that is Ok.  Don’t Beat Yourself UP!!! The beating ourselves up for not doing things perfectly is what truly starts the negative thougth and keeps one from their great potential. 


"The next day make a point to do the ones you could not do the day before.  Trust there will be days that you do them all and this will become more frequent as you focus on these 6 points".
Here are a several groups you might consider joining to gain momentum:

Healthy Habit Lifestyle Facebook Group -  Let us know you want to join and we will send you an invite in the meantime checkout the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1407968166148198/members/

Healthy Habit Lifestyle Seminar – 2nd Monday of the Month at 5:30 pm Fort Myers FL
Checkout the website calendar for more details - http://www.shiftandwakeup.com/calendar.html

Body Shift – In home workout programs with support and motivation through online group, watch this video to find out how these powerful groups are shifting body sizes and motivating individuals to make healthy choices.  http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/PietrzykTeam?bctid=1560922949001
                New Groups starting -  June 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th

Meditation – Learn how to clear the mind and implement simple techniques for daily practice, Every Thursday at 7 pm

                Checkout the website calendar for more details - http://www.shiftandwakeup.com/calendar.html

#Relationships #Career #Money #Success #ClearMind #PositiveThinking 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spiritual Connection Service - May 4 2014 "Reconnecting with the Thoughts We Share with God"

This week we discussed ways to reconnect to our true thoughts, the one's we were given from God.  Part of this process is to realize the thoughts from your ego mind, the saboteur.  When we have the courage to see the part of us that is not aligned with God we then can make correction.  I like to say "If your garden is filled with weeds and you are not getting any veggies what would you do?" I think most would weed their garden.  This is what is being asked of you this month, prior to the summer.  Please note this is a very important process in our year. Let us know how you will be clearing your weeds. Shift and Wake Up by Rev. Miriam Lynne Pietrzyk

Reconnecting with the Thoughts We Share with God
My real thoughts are in my mind. I would like to find them.
…go past all the unreal thoughts that cover the truth in your mind, and reach to the eternal.
Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas with which you have cluttered up your mind are the thoughts that you thought with God in the beginning. They are there in your mind now, completely unchanged. They will always be in your mind, exactly as they always were. Everything you have thought since then will change, but the Foundation on which it rests is wholly changeless.
Here is your mind joined with the Mind of God. Here are your thoughts one with His.” (A Course in Miracles, W-pI.45.6:4-6;7:1-4;8:2-3)
Because God is but Love, His thoughts are only Love and so are our real thoughts only Love. There can be no separation from God’s Love because It is One.
The thoughts we seem to think in the dream of separation are not our real thoughts. But our real thoughts of Love are still with us. As we forgive or let go of our thoughts of separation in the dream, our loving thoughts come forward to bless the world.
In each moment we have the opportunity to bless the world by letting go of our false ideas with the Holy Spirit’s help. Each time we let ourselves forgive and see with forgiving eyes, we move closer to the full experience of the real world, the forgiven world. We move closer to reconnecting with the thoughts we share with God.
© 2014, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
You may freely share copies of this with your friends, provided this notice is included.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Southwest Florida Life Coach Mir Lynne Pietrzyk Opens
 Your Life Enrichment Center

Southwest Florida Life Coach Mir Lynne announces the opening of Your Life Enrichment Center – a sacred space dedicated to the development of people.

(March 4, 2014) FORT MYERS, FL – Southwest Florida Life Coach Mir Lynne Pietrzyk of Shift and Wake Up announces she is now providing life-coaching services at a new location in Southwest Florida. In partnership with Joseph Stulb, Joy Hunton and Jennifer Arnold, Pietrzyk has created the Your Life Enrichment Center, located at 8359 Beacon Boulevard, Suite 403 in Fort Myers.

“Our mission is to add joy to people's lives through live and virtual programs and events that foster play, authenticity and self-understanding,” Pietrzyk said. “We are all about teaching people to be the best version of themselves.”

 Your Life Enrichment Center has been a dream of Pietrzyk’s for years as she has built her life coaching business from the ground up. “I have a passion for uplifting others and bringing joy and happiness to the world.”

Current programs offered by Your Life Enrichment Center include:

·         Cappuccino and Story Time

·         Nature Walk

·         Love and Kindness Luncheon

·         Play Date in the Park

·         Exceptional Women’s Gathering

April we will be adding Guided Meditation and Creative Workshops


For more information, contact Mir Lynne Pietrzyk by phone at (239) 253-2884 or via email at Lynne@shiftandwakeup.com.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"The Royal Elephant has Arrived"

The Royal Elephant Journey
The Tribe of Unconditional Love

The Royal Elephant leads the way on our journey to bring forth Unconditional Love to humanity.
The Journey Begins
January 12th at 3:00pm

The Energy one will experience: Trust, Royalty, Truth, Devotion, Strength of the Feminine; The Child, The Woman, and The Wise Woman, Divine Family, Ancient Power, Fertility, Discernment Heightened, Assisting Humanity, King and Queen in Harmony, Inner Strength, Nobility, Courage, Transformation, Spiritual Power, White Magic, and Unconditional Love for ourselves, our tribe, our community, and all of humanity.

What is being asked to be removed; Illusion, judgment projections, idleness, overcritical, fear, worry, staying small, feelings of incomplete and self-doubt.

The Royal Elephant brings to us the Warrior and Healer in Divine Union.  The Warrior aspect brings forth the ability to detect positive and negative energies within an environment or individual.  The Healer infused with the strength of the Warrior and accomplished at white magic allows for the Ray of Unconditional Love to touch all of humanity.  As we walk we will discover our abilities  to assist others in the transformation of life through the life, death, and rebirth process.  This process can be for the death and rebirth of the little ego or one's transition from their human body. 

The Royal Elephant Tribe assist us in enter the unconscious mind and integrating it with the conscious mind.    As we stand shoulder to shoulder as the Elephant has taught us we together step into royal divine union. 

Elephants can teach us that gentleness, commitment, and communication in relationships is very powerful and necessary to keep relationships alive, trusting and loving, whether it be friends, family or partner. By Shamanicjourney.com

The Elephant is linked to the Planet Neptune which symbolizes illusion or fantasy.  Connected the ocean and to the God Poseidon.  Elephant carries us to the depth of our ocean allowing us to detected illusions and bring forth the colors of our soul.

Walk in the rhythm of world and see your life take form with all that is.  Miriam Lynne Pietrzyk

The Elephant says;   My large feet are receptors to Mother Earth, through my feet I feel the earth vibrations and the vibrations of others.   My trunk is my ability to reach up to Father Sky and to touch the Divine, it allows me to smell life and discern the differences and choose the way of love.  My ears are large and vast allowing me to cool myself and fan away the heat of life.  My hearing is beyond the earthly dimension.  I can hear you calling, so call to me and I will come. My tusk are made of royal ivory a suitable protection for the warrior.  My eyes are not limited to seeing for I see beyond the illusions and the physical dimensions.    As you travel with me I will teach you my gifts allowing you to walk the Elephant Way.
"Just like the sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean we can't separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind"  MaryAnn Williamson


To learn the truth we must open ourselves to the vast worlds within worlds that make up all of the Great Mystery’s Creation. By Jamie Sams

Crystals to assist on the journey:  Ruby, Smithsonite, Emerald, Staurolite, Sugilite, Dioptase, Chalcedony, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Turquoise, and Garnet.

Books to assist on the journey: 13 Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams, Initiation Human and Solar, A Treaties on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey

What is the Addiction Alchemy Medicine Wheel?

Come travel the medicine wheel on an 8-10 month journey into the center of yourself. Learn about how to work with the energies contained within the sacred stone circle of the medicine wheel.

The Medicine Wheel can help bring your body, mind and spirit back into a state of harmony and balance, reconnecting you to parts of your SELF that you may have forgotten, re-establishing the knowledge of your interconnection to all that is. Using the process of life itself, people, animals, the earth and all our relationships we rediscover who and what we truly are.

Want to learn about the medicine wheel, but don't feel like you have an addiction? No worries. We all have areas where we may be "stuck" or in a holding or repeating pattern in our lives. Addiction Alchemy and the Recovery Medicine Wheel doesn't directly approach addiction, but rather acknowledges the process of addiction within all of our lives, focusing on the remembrance of all the parts of the self to restore wholeness. We believe that all recovery is a recovery of the true self... and it is from this place that true healing and growth occur.
Medicine Wheel Journey's consist of gathering in the cardinal directions of East, South, West, North and Center. We gather approximately every 6-8 weeks. The group sets the next date for each gathering together. Each gathering is $75. As we work with the energy of the medicine wheel we set appointments with ourselves to gather in sacred space and honor the unique aspects of our being. Come and learn more about who you really are.

"Become the tracker in your own life, learn how to read spiritual messages that are all around you, tap into the power of animal guides and archetypes, learn about sacred ceremony and much more".