Monday, December 31, 2012

This is the YEAR, are you ready to make your Life what your Soul wants?

The time has come where playing it safe in a career which does not feed your soul is no longer going to be acceptable in life. 

This might seem a bit scary at first thinking that what you are doing for a paycheck might change but there are many solutions which are gentle and easy on you and all those in your family.

The point is this, you are transforming whether you like it or not.  The Choice you have is if you want it to be gentle and fun or if you want there to be chaos and disharmony.

If you are interested in gentle and fun then there is an abundance of fun ways to transform and honor Your Soul.

To name a few;

Life Coaching Business -
What a great way to give back to your Soul and the World all at the same time.

Life Coaching Certification and Training Level 1

Spiritual Courses
Knowledge, Experience and Wisdom are key to your Souls Work here are a few classes
  • DeCoding Life
  • Adept Initiation
  • Souls Path Day Retreats
  • Year of the Soul Class
For details on the events Shift and Wake Up offers go to

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Law of Flexibility

Flexibility avails us far more than either passivity or resistance;

by actively using whatever arises,

 embracing even the most painful circumstances,

 we deal with our difficulties more effectively,

as we begin to see them as a form of spiritual training.


I truly honor the words from Dan Millman regarding the Law of Flexibility; “Flexibility involves a pragmatic acceptance of, rather than ridged resistance toward, the present moment – acceptance of ourselves, others and current circumstances”.  Millman goes on to explain how this does not imply being passive and tolerating things you don’t like.  To activate flexibility in our lives we must be alert and in an expansive state of awareness.  

The First Teaching is to look at what you consider a stumbling block, what seems to hold you back?                 
 Some might see this as an anchor not allowing them to move forward. 

Next ask yourself what is this teaching me?

·        Patience

·        Clear communication

·        Boundaries

·        Honesty with my self

When we learn to take our stumbling blocks and turn them into teachings for our life we quickly see stumbling blocks as opportunities.  Then life starts to Shift!


Join me on Friday August 31, 2012 at 8:00am EST for Spiritual Emergence ~ The Law of Flexibility
Follow this link;

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Loving YOU

This is a great poem from Derek Walcott which expresses true self love.  Gratitude of Love

Love After Love

The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other’s welcome and say, sit here.  Eat.

You will love again the stranger who was yourself.  Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you have ignored for another, who knows you by heart.   Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, and the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.  Sit.  Feast on your life.

Derek Walcott, Collected Poems 1948-1984,  New York, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1986

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do you have a Dream? 

If you do, then you need a Dream Routine.  What is a dream routine you ask?  It is similar to a fitness routine, and anyone who has watched any television or read a magazine over the last 30 years knows that you must have a fitness routine to make a change in your physique.  
We are all told to have dreams.  We have been asked countless times, “What are your dreams, what do you want to be when you grow up?” There are workshops and seminars which help someone create their dream boards and all this is, is dreaming.  Think about it for a minute, whether you’re daydreaming or night dreaming, what are you doing?  Are you sitting still or are you creating your dream into reality?  Although this is a necessary step in the dream routine, I call this bringing the dream to awareness. The next step is most critical, “Creating Your Dream Routine”.   When are you going to spend time researching, studying, practicing, promoting, and finally living your dream?   Remember, the fitness routine for an average person is 30 – 45 minutes of cardio five days a week, and weight training  3 – 4 days a week usually taking on average 45 minutes to an hour each day.  This is a time commitment of 6 – 10 hours a week.  What do you think would happen to your dream if you started applying a commitment program like the average fitness routine?  I can tell you what has happened to those that I know who have applied the dream routine to their dream.  They are living it!

This is not complicated but it takes accountability and support to assist you along the way. If you want to learn how the Dream Routine program works, contact Mir Lynne Pietrzyk at Shift and Wake Up, 239-253-2884.  There are group and one on one programs available for all budgets. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Live in Gratitude - when life seems to be going wrong

When everything seems to be going wrong the question we get asked a lot is “How are you doing?”
How we answer sets the stage for what we will receive.  Do you complain and gripe about your problems or do you choose to answer with honesty and conclude with what is going right?  I have found most have never thought of the later concept and if they have thought of it have found it difficult to implement since it is a new habit.  I have some simple steps to help you;

Week 1

1.      Journal about what you are feeling – get it all out on paper

2.      Start a list of what is going great in your life – every day add to the list

3.      Set 30 minutes in your day to reflect on your feelings and adding to your gratitude list.

As you do this every day for seven days you will notice your thoughts around your life are gravitating toward your gratitude list. "The sky becomes brighter"

Week 2

1.      Write about how you will respond when someone asks you how you are doing

2.      Visualize what your body language is and tone of voice is like when you answer their question

3.      Continue with steps 1-3 from Week 1

Practicing through writing and visualization is the key to releasing the old griping response and bring in the new gratitude response.

Our feelings and emotions are energy we have the choice to give great energy or bad energy to others with our words.  Yes, complaining and griping to others gives them bad energy.  Being honest about how you feel is important but often we go into the sewer with our honest feelings.  Remember we want to focus more on what is going right and less on what is not.  The steps above will help your mind think more about the great things and less about the not so great.

“That which we focus on, we receive more of” by David Essel –  to put it simply

               Focus on griping and complaining you get more to gripe and complain about

               Focus on gratitude you get more things to be grateful for

The choice is yours. You are the captain of your ship, what do you choose?  No choice only keeps you stuck in what you have been receiving.

For those who are really wanting to transform the spoken words they speak; place a microphone on you for a few days, it will transform your life.

If you want to continue on your self-discovery path and desire positive support call me or email me to discuss what programs Shift and Wake Up has available to meet your transformation and budget.

               Mir Lynne Pietrzyk



Friday, May 11, 2012

Love After Love

I thought this prayer was perfect for the teachings of Self Love and Relationships

The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other’s welcome and say, sit here.  Eat.

You will love again the stranger who was yourself.  Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you have ignored for another, who knows you by heart.   Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, and the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.  Sit.  Feast on your life.

Derek Walcott, Collected Poems 1948-1984,  New York, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1986
I would like to honor Madeline Ebelini of for sharing this with me to be able to share with all of you.

For more information about Shift and Wake Up go to

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saying No – Speaking YOUR TRUTH

When one takes a moment to look at images that appear when searching the word NO on the internet, you will see why we as a society have not been so good at saying NO - it seems so harsh and unloving yet we are here to love and connect with others. There are defiantly things we use a harsh NO for - things like drugs, bullies, and other evil low energy habits of society.

What I want to speak about is the common “No” to the people you love, your spouse, your children, parents, friends, and your boss.  The harshness of the word holds us back from using it because we don’t want to hurt others and we are unsure of what will happen in the relationship if we do.  So what can we do about this?

We can learn a new way, a loving and open way to speak our Truth.  Here are a few that I have used with a little practice you to will be able to sit comfortably with saying them to those you love.

 “Now is not a good time for me”

“I hear you and I understand how important it is to you and I wish you success for me it is not a good time to start something new”

“I would love to help you and I know the time has to be right for me to fully help, I also know that right now is not a good time for me”

“I need to be at home this evening based on my day I will have to decline from our dinner plans” 

 As you learn to speak from your heart you will find that everyone benefits from your Truth.

Blessings of truth,

Mir Lynne Pietrzyk

If you are interested in learning more about speaking your Truth contact Lynne Pietrzyk at for group/private coaching programs and free radio show

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Passion “How to Follow Your Passion”

The winding road of your life, with all its twists and turns, expected and unexpected, has brought you to this point.  But there is an urge to move forward as your true self.  Expressing more of who you are inside allows you to Live Your Passion. Trust that your inner yearning is real and express it.  It can be expressed all at once or overtime.  Allow and be gentle with yourself but always honor your True Self.

Do you feel challenged by trusting and allowing your True Self to come out?  Most people do at first because it is not something we have been taught how to do in our past.  This concept of allowing is new to most and at first can seem overwhelming but I can help you with simple free tips. 

Email me at or Like my Fan Page at Shift and Wake Up and ask me how to overcome the challenges you are facing

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today's Exercise - I approve of Myself

I approve of Myself is a powerful statement which is often not used due to beliefs around the ego.  This power statement has many benefits; the ability to see all things are possible, a inner reassurance, and freedom of judgment. 
Take the time to write a minimum of 5 to as many as you desire the statement "I approve of Myself".  Then journal all the thoughts which come to your mind.  Get the stuff out of your head and on paper so you can reflect on why you are feeling the way you are.  How do you feel?  What are your thoughts?  What beliefs are showing up for you?

To find out more about learning how to shift these beliefs go to